Author Stephanie Ike personally signs copies of Moving Forward (courtesy photo)
Author Stephanie Ike personally signs copies of Moving Forward (courtesy photo)

Imagine the concept of a piñata, many people attempt to make contact in hopes of releasing the goodies inside but it only takes that one person with just enough force and precise measurement to be rewarded. Author, Stephanie Ike, has proven with her new book release of Moving Forward that she has the perfect bat capable of revealing just what the modern day followers of Christ need in order to keep pressing. Her precise depiction of the testaments God has set for us is the surprise nuggets we all expect to receive when we step up for that swing at the big piñata called Life.

Broken down into three separate teachings Moving Forward focuses on Letting Go, Trusting GOD, and Pressing on. The book campaigns for the removal of stagnancy from our lives through GOD’s favor over our life. Leaving nothing to chance, and all to GOD.

“Obstacles don’t disable our ability to progress in our purpose; the inability to perceive what that obstacle represents does. At that point, it may seem like we’ve reached a dead end because we’ve created a mental stronghold that makes us believe we’re victims to our circumstances rather than over-comers through Christ,” reads a quote from Ike’s book.

Ike sets a blueprint to not only having a better life but one that is consumed by faith. Prepare for the unveiling of your true self through words that will provoke and captivate your spirit into realms not exposed to the faithless. Readers will be left with no doubt that there is a light that constantly shines but only starts to flicker when we don’t receive the messages that GOD has relayed to us.

Stephanie Ike is also the creator and producer of a story telling platform called Voice of Hope Series, which features transparent conversations about one of life’s most important journeys: following your dreams — and the challenges, sacrifices and disappointments you face along the way that ultimately lead into transforming passions into fulfilling careers.