On Saturday, April 2, Mothers in Action partnered with Black Health Matters to provide mobile digital mammograms to the Los Angeles community.
Screenings were distributed from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., on the back lot of the Los Angeles Sentinel office, located at 3800 Crenshaw Blvd., in Los Angeles.
Explaining why her organization hosted the event, MIA President Tracy Mitchell, stated, “Black women disproportionately get and do not survive breast cancer because it is not detected early enough.
“I currently have two people that I consider family that are struggling with the disease right now and I have known quite a few people who did not survive because of the severity of their breast cancer when they were diagnosed.”
She continued with, “Mothers in Action decided to partner with Black Health Matters on this because Black women, especially, need to be educated. Early detection is of vital importance to treating this disease.”
One hundred percent of the clients served were people of color. Clients were given breast cancer gift bags containing Black Health Matters t-shirts and statistics on breast cancer along with the importance of early detection. Mothers In Action also provided visitors with PPE supplies and groceries.
Lilly sponsored this event and Alinea conducted the mammograms in their mobile unit.
The MIA president also added, “Special thanks to our media partners at Los Angeles Sentinel, California Black Women’s Collective, Black & Vaxxed and BWOPA for assisting getting the word out.”
Along with this event, Mothers in Action and Black Health Matters also partnered together to host a virtual Candid Talk about breast cancer with City of Hope’s Breast Surgery Oncologist, Dr. Veronica Jones, on March 31.
Mothers In Action will be hosting more health-related events as the year continues. They are dedicated to proving and promoting health education, screening, and other tools needed for a health community.
“It is our mission to improve the quality of life of the underserved families in our community. We were within the range of our goal for the mammogram screenings, but we were able to educate more during the process. Hopefully, we saved some lives because of it,” said Mitchell.
One in eight women get breast cancer. 98% survive with early detection. Get Tested today for breast cancer, and educate yourself on breast cancer awareness.
Don’t have insurance? Courtesy of California’s Cancer Detection Program – Every Woman Counts (CDP-EWC), members of the community can receive free screenings. Qualifications insist that you must be forty years of age or older, have low household income, and no insurance. Schedule online: www.alineamed.com/black-health or call: 1(877)4AN-EXAM.