“Ask Dr. Jeanette”™ Success On “The Way”
This is a hard one; but not impossible. It’s much easier to think about our enemies and feel anger, hostility and want to get even with them for what they have done or are doing.
The problem with that kind of mindset is that it escalates the problem. Not only does our heavenly father say to “love our enemies,” but also says do not practice an eye for an eye, and tooth for tooth.
In Matthew 5:38-48, Jesus says follow the “practice of the Kingdom life” in His “Sermon on the Mount.” He says in several places: “You have heard that it has been said you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”
In Leviticus 19:18, we read, “Love your neighbor,” but the Old Testament does not say hate your enemy. But, isn’t it true that God has demonstrated His love for all people, even the so-called bad people (or sinful people).
He does not selfishly make the sun shine only on the “so-called” good people; nor does he only let the rain come on them; but the unfavorable people, too. Jesus says in several places (Matthew 5:22, 5:28, 5:32; 5:34; 5:39, 5:44) “But, I say to you love your enemies.”
When He says, “But, I say to you,” He is going into the depths of the heart and beyond the law of Moses. He is not eliminating the law; but He is challenging us to search ourselves and our conscience and move closer to a deeper understanding. His motives are for us to look forward to His day when He will return and make everything completely different.
So, “I say to you,” come now! Don’t wait! Pray for our enemies now! And seek our own salvation and spend eternity with Him. We’re not going to just get by with superficial behavior. We have to be genuine and sincere.
It’s not acceptable to hate our enemies. We will be called to accountability at a later time. We don’t know when that day will be, but it will come. There are times now when things come on us, maybe because there is something we did to someone or made unwise decisions and we may be experiencing the backlash.
The big question may be, “Do we therefore, love President Putin?” If we, as Christians, do not love and pray for our enemies, then who will? This is our charge. It’s on us to answer His charge to us.
How do we love enemies of such a high place? We pray for them. So, what can one expect to happen by praying for our enemies? We expect Jesus Christ to intercede on our behalf and we hear from heaven. We expect to receive comfort and answers.
We don’t have the privilege to “not pray for our enemies.” One might say, “How can prayer help us and such a big enemy?” The Almighty God is bigger and greater than ANY enemy. You see our Lord and Savior is operating in the heavenly realm.
Our weapons are spiritual. The real war is not on earth; it is in the spiritual realm. There are spiritual strongholds to be cast down. “When?” We don’t always know the time; but we know through faith and prayers, our Lord hears and answers us.
There is only one God who created all things and He didn’t have “a little god made and shaped with hands” at His side helping Him. He is “THE ONLY GOD.”
Even though everything may look bleak and beyond hope, God is operating and in the mix of everything. Don’t underestimate His power and authority. He moves mountains.
I am praying for Putin, Russia and Ukraine. We stand in the gap and pray for the salvation of their souls. Who wants to go to hell!? Some do not believe there is hell; but why wait to see when there is a ready opportunity to avoid it!
Thanks for reading! Jeanette Grattan Parker is Founder-Superintendent Today’s Fresh Start Charter School 4514 Crenshaw Boulevard, LA 90043 323-293-9826 www.todaysfreshstart.org (Ask Dr. Jeanette TM) Inquiring Minds Want To Know-All articles are copyright. All rights reserved © References: The Sermon On The Mount Matthew chapter 5 through chapter 7 Errors? Let me know. Dial in Sundays for music & message: 11:30am {1-712-775-8971—code 266751} Luke chapters 13 & 14)