Thursday, June 18, the Los Angeles Emergency Operations Center announced progressive steps towards economic recovery. Although the numbers reflect stabilization, the COVID-19 related death rate and positive cases continue to fluctuate. Los Angeles Director of Public Health, Dr. Barbara Ferrer shared the latest numbers surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak.
Los Angeles County Officials continue to emphasize the importance of taking precautionary steps towards opening the economy. Although a number of different firms are approved to operate and serve the community, those sitting in elected offices have declared the well being of all residents is the number one priority.

The last COVID-19 case count was given publicly on Wednesday, June 17, by Dr.Ferrer. latest numbers surrounding coronavirus reflected 34 additional deaths, 23 of these individuals were between the ages of 65 and over, 17 of them with underlining health conditions. Seven people who died were between the ages of 41-65, four victims had preexisting health concerns. two individuals were below the age of 40, both had underlining medical conditions, this brings the total COVID-19 related deaths in the L.A. County to 2,991.
The relationship between COVID-19 infection and ethnicity were provided. The racial background collected from 2,779 fatal cases shown 11% were African American, 17% were Asian, slightly less than 1% were Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, 42% were LatinX, 29% were white, and 1% identified as a different race or ethnicity. 14% of all positive cases were hospitalized at some point. Fatal cases within congregational settings such as assistant living represent 52% of overall COVID-19 deaths. 93% of those who died due to COVID-19 had preexisting health concerns.
Ferrer disclosed on Wednesday, there were 2,129 new COVID-19 reports. In summary, there is a total amount of 77,189 coronavirus cases in the Los Angeles region. 2,712 incidents were reported in the city of Long Beach and 1,058 cases in the city of Pasadena. Amid the unsheltered, there were 520 positive cases, 220 victims were temporarily housed in a shelter and have been properly isolated.
Nail salons, spas, tattoo shops, casinos, bars, and wineries are now approved to reopen. The county shared that they see overall COVID-19 counts increasing, as testing capacity widens its threshold, there has been a steady decrease in deaths and hospitalizations. As of Thursday, Los Angeles County Health Department modified the Health Officer Order to include infection control and distancing standards for the hand-to-hand contact services that are previously listed. In some cases, these firms will have limited capacity.
Faith-based and protest organizations that hold outdoor events will no longer have a maximum limit. Public officials declared the county is aligned with state guidelines, affirming “the key metrics reflect that compliance.” L.A. remains in Phase 3 of California’s State Resilience Road map. It is still strongly encouraged for residents to practice social distancing guidelines; the virus is still a threat within the county.
The sectors that remain closed are movie theaters, live performances, entertainment centers, concert halls and venues, stadiums, arenas, gaming facilities, theme parks, lounges, and nightclubs.
Within nail salons, staff must wear a face covering, respirator, or face shield in certain cases. Simultaneous services, such as receiving a manicure and pedicure will not be permitted, and reservations will be required. The experience for staff and guest has changed, there are strict infection-control rules. Similar mandates are distributed and molded to fit each sector, to prevent the spread of coronavirus.