Oprah Winfrey is beingsued by Pastor Lester E.Barrie and Shannan L.Wynn who allege that theywere not compensated forgiving her the idea for the“Greenleaf” TV series.(AP Photo) January 2: Oprah Winfrey was Born Share this post Share AfricaAfricanAfrican AmericanBlackBlack BusinessBlack communityBlack CultureBlack ExcellenceBlack girl magicBlack HistoryBlack History AprilBlack History AugustBlack History DecemberBlack History FeburaryBlack History JanuaryBlack History JulyBlack History JuneBlack History MarchBlack History MayBlack History NovemberBlack History OctoberBlack History Septemberblack is beautifulBlack Loveblack manBlack menBlack PrideBlack unityBlack womenBLMLA Sentinellove black womannews sentinels ServiceOprah WinfreySentineltoday in black history
Get Fit with Britt-Nick Hosts 12th Annual Women’s Trinity Retreat, “Glow Up” In Montego Bay, Jamaica June 2, 2023