It is no secret that the current administration is working hard across the nation to water down or completely stop the effectiveness of absentee voting by Democrats and those opposed to Donald Trump’s presidency. It doesn’t seem to matter to the President that we are in the midst of a pandemic and that the safest way to vote is by mail. He and his hand-picked postmaster general, Louis DeJoy are pulling no punches in essentially attempting to dismantle the entire process of voting by mail.
While the new postmaster general has recently announced that he will not be making any budget cuts prior to the election; voters should still take the necessary precautions and very necessary steps to ensure that every vote is counted. Not only here in California, but also ensure that every family member and friend across the country also follows these steps.

As the former postmaster for the City, I want to assure everyone that you will receive your absentee ballot as long as you have requested one with all the proper and updated information on your registration. The men and women working at the USPS are some of the hardest working and highly committed professionals you would ever want to meet and they are committed, as they have always been, to ensuring everyone receives their mail as fast and as efficiently as possible.
The last day to register to vote by mail is Monday, October 19, 2020, but, I would encourage everyone considering voting by mail to do it NOW, rather than wait until the last minute. You can register at your local post office, on-line and at numerous locations throughout the county of Los Angeles, including at the Los Angeles Sentinel offices.
There has been a lot of misinformation about the postal service. Most of the misinformation is coming from Donald Trump, who often lies and insinuates that voting by mail is or will be fraudulent. The reality is that he see’s voting by mail as the most effective way to vote him out of office, and therefore, is a perceived threat to him getting a second term in office.

The truth is that there is no real evidence of any widespread voter fraud. The Brennan Center for Justice stated, “It is still more likely for an American to be struck by lightning than to commit mail voting fraud.”
With of this being said, here is what we must do to ensure that every vote is counted, not only here in California, but across this nation.
- MAKE SURE YOU ARE REGISTERED TO VOTE: Visit Can I Vote and select “voter registration status.” Then, choose your state. You’ll be taken to a page on your state’s website where you can check to see if you’re registered.
Remember to check your registration information before your state’s deadline to register to vote. That could be up to 30 days before the election. This gives you time if you need to re-register or make changes.
- IF YOU CHOOSE TO VOTE BY MAIL: Don’t wait until the last minute to send in your absentee ballot. Fill it out immediately and get it in the mail as soon as possible. Make sure you place a stamp on your ballot and drop it off inside the post office (as hard as the USPS has tried to avoid and discourage mail box tampering … it happens. Trump supporters or not, some people do steal mail.
- As Michelle Obama stated in her speech at the Democratic Convention on Monday, to make sure your family and friends, in and outside of California, also vote. Bug them, pester them, but make sure that every single person you know votes in this upcoming election. Our lives and the future of our country depends on it.
- IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO VOTE BY MAIL: Confirm your polling place and get there early and bring a friend. Make sure you wear your mask; we don’t want anyone turned away for not wearing a mask. Bring your identification and bring your patience. Lines could be long. Remember, when we all stood in line patiently waiting to vote for President Barack Obama? So, be prepared to wait. But, in the end, voting Trump out of office should be just as gratifying.

Some people have already decided that they are not going to vote by mail, and that is their choice. The most important thing is to VOTE. If you have decided to take on the potential health risk associated with voting in person, remember to take all the necessary precautions required and associated with voting in person. Yes, there is a health risk so, WEAR A MASK, REMAIN SOCIALLY DISTANCED. But most of all, remember that voting in “this election” is MORE important than any recent elections.
We are on a “mission“ – LET’S DO THIS!!!