Sometimes when a person has a lot to overcome, they often give up and quit or simply don’t know where to turn to for help. Author Bessie White is looking to help change that for many others as she did herself with her new book, “My Bess Story for God’s Glory.”
White, who has conquered her battles with depression, abuse and many other hardships, speaks about the book, her upcoming and how pain led her to receiving the word in her heart.
“I was inspired by Pastor Wintley Phipps who comforted me during my divorce with the statement on the back of my book, stating that ‘it is in the quiet crucible of our personal private sufferings that our noblest dreams are born, and God’s greatest gifts are given,’” White said.
The book, which is currently available on multiple platforms such as BookBaby Bookshop, Amazon and Brown Sugar and Spice Books, reflects on how White’s tumultuous life growing up led her to peace.
“My noblest dream was to write this book sharing my life story of pain and rejection to give hope to a world full of hurting people,” she said.
“I also wanted to leave a written [book] for my family, especially my son.”
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Bessie also speaks of her childhood experience with her father in which some of his habits helped her discover her commitment to God.
“My father did not share the same Christian faith as we did. He did go to church, but his lifestyle did not compliment his Christian profession,” White explained.
“He was an alcoholic, gambler, womanizer, and abuser. It made me lean on God more to help me cope with the stresses of my childhood living with an abusive father.”
Yet, White’s mother was a pillar of faith that guided her daughter to become a better person. “My mother taught us Christian values and we attended church regularly. I connected with spiritual, loving church members that nurtured me during my unhappy childhood,” she shared.
Also in her book, White spoke of a time when her world came crashing down after being left at the altar on her wedding day and how her wedding coordinator rescued her from the horrible situation.
“My wedding coordinator was a jewel. She informed my bridal party of 12 couples of the wedding cancellation for me. She took me to her house for the night and allowed me to call as many people as I could to inform them,” she recalled.
“She slept with me and comforted me during my time of sadness. She also kept my wedding gown and bouquet for me because they were too painful for me to look at.”
Her book also has been supported by Pastor Phipps, who is a former college friend of Smith. “Wintley Phipps attended Oakwood College with me and both of us were and still are musicians. I have great respect for his ministry and watch him preach often on YouTube at the Palm Bay Church in Palm Bay, Florida,” she said.
“His life has always been an inspiration to me, and I am honored for his endorsement.”
Additionally, White’s book contains a forward from famed children’s book author Jacqueline Galloway Blake, who is also a longtime friend.
“Jacqueline Galloway Blake is my best friend. She is an outstanding entrepreneur, author, business consultant, and she owns her own company, Brown Sugar and Spice, promoting and selling books and other materials with positive visual images of Blacks,” White said.
“She knows me better than anyone on this earth, and her endorsement is priceless to me.”
Whitealso conducts workshops at various churches around the country to educate and help women and families to lead healthier, progressive lives.
“I conduct workshops at churches of all faiths. I have conducted Divorce Recovery, Grief Recovery, Communication, Love, Relationships and evangelism workshops. I am a Hospital Chaplain and love serving hurting people,” Smith said.
Offering advice to those who may be going through some of the same problems or difficulties she has faced, White recommends, “Realize that you are not alone! God is with you and will help you go through your valley experiences. Once you realize your purpose in life, it helps you become resilient and strong.
“When you realize that you were created by God to know Him, be loved by Him, and to love others by telling your story of His love and provisions in your life, you can live with peace, joy, and love. God is your best friend.”
Crediting her faith for playing a big role in “My Bess Story for God’s Glory,” White emphasized, “The purpose of writing the book is to be a redemption song for the world. God restores!
“He has taken the pain in my life and given me peace, joy and love, and can do the same for anyone who has experienced pain and rejection in their lives. God has restored just about everything I lost and in a greater capacity!”