Board of Equalization (BOE) Member Jerome E. Horton, Los Angeles County Assessor Jeffrey Prang, and Faith and Community Empowerment (FACE) will host the Nonprofit Empowerment and Exemption Symposium and Expo, an event designed to help nonprofit and faith-based organizations grow and prosper in their work serving local communities, on Friday, June 29, at West Los Angeles College, 9000 Overland Avenue, Culver City, CA 90230. The event will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 2:30 p.m., with check-in starting at 8:30 a.m.
“California nonprofits and faith-based organizations will learn strategies and techniques on capitalizing on available tax credits, exemptions, and wealth building concepts to help them achieve their missions,” Horton said.
Featured speakers at the event will include Assessor Prang, Thomas Aujero Small, Mayor of the city of Culver City; and a host of experts including keynote speaker Nancy Berlin, Policy Director at the California Association of Nonprofits; Colin Diaz, President/CEO of Culver City Chamber of Commerce; Gloria Gray, Treasurer of the West Basin Metropolitan Water District Board of Directors; Member Horton; Janice Hulett, Financial Professional, Independent Contractor (Financial Services); Hyepin Im, President/CEO, Faith and Community Empowerment; Jim Limbaugh, President of West Los Angeles College; and Jan Perry, General Manager of the City of Los Angeles Economic and Workforce Development Department.
The Symposium will feature presentations and panel discussions on a broad range of topics: Benefits of the Welfare Exemption, Property Tax Exemptions for Nonprofits, Grant Process for Nonprofits in Compliance with the Welfare Exemption, Property Tax Essentials for Nonprofits and Faith-based Organizations – Learn to Lower Your Taxes, Property Tax Tips – Tax Relief Measures & Appeal Rights, Tax Reforms for Nonprofits; Affordable Housing and Other Creative Ways to Leverage Church, Building, and Land Use; and Homeownership and Foreclosure Prevention Resources.
The Symposium’s expo will offer additional valuable information to attendees, provided by representatives from Franchise Tax Board, West Los Angeles College, Employment Development Department, Operation Hope, California Employment Training Panel, IRS, U.S. VETS – Inglewood, Vermont Slauson Economic Development Corporation, Culver City Chamber of Commerce, United States Postal Service, Southern California Edison, Los Angeles Economic & Workforce Development Department, California Association of Nonprofits, City of Los Angeles Business Source/VEDC, Los Angeles County Department of Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk, West Basin Metropolitan Water District, County of Los Angeles Child Support Services Department, and South Bay Workforce Investment Board.
“I am pleased to join with Board Member Horton and FACE in providing the resources that our community service organizations, faith-based institutions, and other not-for-profit agencies rely upon in order to serve the people of Los Angeles County,” Assessor Prang said. “These organizations serve as a vital safety net, and it is my hope that the information and tools provided by my office will translate to the empowerment of our underserved communities.”
“As a nonprofit dedicated to equipping leaders and building their capacity, FACE is pleased to partner with BOE Member Jerome Horton and County Assessor Jeffrey Prang on this exciting summit,” FACE President/CEO Hyepin Im said. “For all the nonprofit and faith leaders who are always helping others but often do not have the time or resources to help themselves, we invite you to come and be inspired, renewed and be better equipped in your work and service!”
The Nonprofit Empowerment and Exemption Symposium is free to attend; parking is available for $2.00. You may register online or call 310-297-5201 for more information.