Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., the largest sorority of Black women in the nation, will host its 51st Farwest Regional Conference in the “City of Roses” July 5-8 in Pasadena, California. In 1913, the sorority, who sought to be more than just a social club, was founded by 22 incredible college students on the campus of Howard University. As their first public act, it is befitting to note that these young Black women marched in the Women’s Suffrage March in 1913. This was a commendable fete that put their lives at risk during the time of intolerance to women’s rights and African American liberties. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. has served as a beacon of light throughout the United States and abroad for over 105 years. Standing on the principles of Sisterhood, Scholarship, and Service, this organization has been game changers to say the least, and the legacy continues.
Hosted by one of the 90 chapters that make up the sorority’s Farwest Region, the Pasadena Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc, will usher in the magic of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. at the Pasadena Convention Center. The conference is expected to attract more than 1,000 attendees and will include business meetings, workshops, and formal luncheons. In addition, a special tribute and celebration will take place honoring Pasadena community leaders and National Civil Rights leaders. The Farwest Regional Conference will celebrate and honor three dynamic personalities who have tremendously impacted the community.Ms. Lena Kennedy, a political activist, founder and director of the Southern Women’s Health Conference will receive the 2018 Farwest Region Political Action Award. Rev. James Lawson, Jr., who has positively impacted many lives in the community by being a civil rights game changer, will receive the 2018 Farwest Region Civil Activist Award. The third honoree, Mr. Gerald Freeny, who has demonstrated great commitment and advancement to the community in the City of Pasadena as the first African American to lead as president of the Tournament of Roses for the 2018 year, will receive the 2018 Farwest Region Community Activist Award.
The Farwest region without borders encompasses Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Okinawa, Tokyo in Japan and the Republic of Korea in Seoul. Truly a region that is committed to the sorority’s national theme: “An Uncompromising Commitment to Communities Through Service, Leadership, and Empowerment.” This year’s conference is set to bring about a time of fellowship, rededication, and community service, while equipping members with the fundamental tools to add to their skill sets. These words spoken by Lydia Cincore-Templeton, Esq., Regional Director of the Farwest, exemplify the importance of this momentous occasion:” The Regional Conference is not only an opportunity to fellowship and network, but more importantly, it is a time to fine tune the business of Delta, identify regional priorities and highlight the many social action and community service projects that are in need of our support. It is a time to center our focus on the business of Delta.”
The Farwest Region will also launch its “Focus on 22 Homeless Families” project during the conference. This initiative will address the pivotal challenges of homeless families within Los Angeles County and other key areas of the Farwest Region. The project will adopt 22 families of need by supporting them in transitioning from homelessness to safe and affordable accommodations; moreover, providing these families with the tools and resources required to end future homelessness one family at a time.
The Pasadena Alumnae Chapter looks forward to seeing sorority members from all over the Farwest Region and is honored to have been selected to host, as expressed by Pasadena Alumnae Chapter President Lynette West Cater: “We are excited to welcome all our sisters throughout the Farwest Region to the city of Pasadena. It is an honor to host the 51st Farwest Regional Conference and greatly anticipate spending time with our sorors.”