Job continued his parable and self-justification. He reminisces of his past when he was favored among all. He wants to live as in the past.
“Oh that I were as in months past, as in the days when God preserved me; When his candle shined upon my head, and when by his light I walked through darkness; as I was in the days of my youth, when the secret of God was upon my tabernacle; When the Almighty was yet with me, when my children were about me; when I washed my steps with butter, and the rock poured me out rivers of oil.”
When in distress, human behavior as with Job may have the time to speak with the most glaring thoughts about the comforts they are stripped of. Their former prosperity is one of the most pleasing subjects of their thoughts and talk. It’s a leap of thought beyond thinking on those things which are more pleasant, to remember the good ‘ol days so to speak when there was much comfort, joy and peace; but now there he was in the garbage junk yard. He begins with a wish.
“O that I was as in my glory days in months past!” He remembers and recites the good old days of his prosperity. He wishes for his past state as “I was in then, that I had as much wealth, honor, and pleasure, as I had then!” He wishes for his reputation and the glory of his God.
He wished that his past prosperity might be restored. Because “in that state of my life compared to now, the reproaches of my friends would be silenced, even their own principles, and forever rolled away!”
Job makes a bold statement here, “If this be our end (that is the state he now finds himself in, desiring life, health, and prosperity, that God may be glorified, and the credit of our holy profession rescued, preserved, and advanced, the desire is not only natural, but spiritual).
“O that I were in as good a frame of spirit as I was in then!” That which Job complained most of now was a load upon his spirits, through God’s withdrawing from him; and therefore, he wishes he now had his spirit as much enlarged and encouraged in the service of God as he had then and that he had as much freedom and fellowship with him as then thought himself happy in.
This was in the days of his youth Those that prosper in their younger days, the days of their youth, do not know they are being reserved for other days that may not be so bright and sunny. In his past times, he had comfort in his God. This he cherished most and rejoiced over in his sweet prosperity.
When he had the favor of God and the tokens (prosperity, riches, home and family) at favor. He acknowledges that (as David did in Psalms 30:7), “Thou, by your favor, has made my mountain stand strong.” A gracious and grateful soul delights in God’s smiles, not in the smiles of this world.
Four (here are three) things were then very pleasant to holy Job. (1.) The confidence he had in divine protection. The devil saw a hedge about him of God’s making and Job saw it himself and owned it was God’s visitation that preserved his spirit. Those only whom God protects are safe and may be easy; and therefore, those who have ever so much of this world must not think themselves safe unless God preserves them.
(2.) The complacency he had in the divine favor - God’s candle shone upon his head, that is, God lifted up the light of his countenance upon him and gave him the assurances and sweet relishes of his love. By the light of that favor, he walked through darkness; that guided him in his doubts, comforted him in his griefs, bore him up under his burdens, and helped him through all his difficulties.
Those that have the brightest sun-shine of outward prosperity must yet expect some moments of darkness. Can walk by the light cheerfully and comfortably through all the darkness of this vale of tears. That puts gladness into the heart enough to counterbalance all the grievances of this present time.
- The communion he had with the divine word: The secret of God was upon my tabernacle, that is, God conversed freely with him, as one bosom-friend with another. He knew God’s mind, and was not in the dark about it, as, of late, he had been. The secret of the Lord is said to be with those that fear him, for he shows them that in his covenant which others see not. God communicates his favor and grace to his people and receives the return of their devotion in a way secret to the world.
Writing for the Lord and loving it! Thanks for reading! Jeanette Grattan Parker is the founder-superintendent of Today’s Fresh Start Charter School, 4514 Crenshaw Boulevard, L.A. 90043, 323-293-9826, www.todaysfreshstart.org, (Ask Dr. Jeanette TM) “Inquiring Minds Want to Know.” All articles are copyright. All rights reserved © askdrjeanetteparker.successontheway@gmail.com. References: The Holy Bible. StudyLight.org. Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible. Any errors? Please let me know.