“The Conscience Revealed”
“The Hidden Conscience”Part 3
Why Do You Think Almighty God Allowed The WorldWide Pandemic? Dam, Maybe He said, “Everyone may experience God’s Wrath, or at least……a portion of it…… He said, I’m getting that portion lined up to be activated.’ James said, “the tongue is a fire.”
Who of anyone of us has not said things we should not have said and did not fully realize the impact of what we have said until it comes back to haunt us through our own conscience or through the words of someone else? Who? Remember what James said (James 3:6), “the tongue is a fire. Words set on fire the course of nature.” I haven’t heard yet a credible report of how the coronavirus got started. But nevertheless, Almighty God is doing something and sending us a message. He is renovating the universe, because His imminent return is on the divine calendar. Mark says “What comes out of a person defiles that person or blesses that person.” People underestimate the power of words and their impact on others. Words are powerful and once spoken, they come alive and take on a life. Words have to be thoughts before they are words. You cannot utter words without thinking them first. You cannot take an action without first conceptualizing it. Although, it may not be fully realized what will be the outcome of what you have been thinking and how it will be demonstrated in the physical realm, but nevertheless, you thought it! Think success thoughts. Think progressive thoughts. Think thoughts that have upward trajectory. Train and discipline your mind. There are several scriptures which point out the conscience: 1 COR. 8:7, 10, 12; 10:25; 27-29; 2 Coe. 1:12; 4:4:2, 5:11;; 1 Tim:1:5, 19; 3:4: AMONG OHERS:; Heb: 9:9, 14; 10:2; 1:15; Heb 9:9, 9, 14; Titus; 1:1:15; 10:2, 2, 22; 13:18; 10:2, 22; 13:18; 10:2, 22; 13:18:AND 1 Peter. 2:2:19 and 3:16; 21. These scriptures talk about the conscious conscience.
The conscience is what goes on in the mind; the mind that drives itself beyond the conscience; that which is catapulted beyond. It addresses the conscious. And what will address the consciouns mind. 1 Peter 4:17 TALKS ABOUT JUDGEMENT BEGINNING AT THE HOUSE OF GOD AND THE CONFLICT WITH THOSE WHO are not imbedded in those who don’t obey the gospel truth. There is the evil conscience Hebrews 10:22. God goes on to talk about satisfying the flesh as a clearing house for the conscience. What about: Revival perhaps coming next and the pleasure Famine resulting from the dearth of the Famine.God talks about His jealousy: “My name is jealous (EX 34:14. He is a jealous God.” He permits no rivals and He is the sole object of human worship and does not tolerate the sins of mankind, Joshua 24:19 And Nahum 1:8. There is much to be said about the conscience and its activities. Jeanette Grattan Parker is Founder-Superintendent of Today’s Fresh Start Charter School; and writes for the: “LA South Chamber of Commerce.” And Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. The conscience addresses :The Silent Conscience; the good conscience; The Disturbed conscience, the Abandoned ciouscience, the defiled conscience and the abandoned conscience. (above scriptures) for reference). See references above.