Book debuted on June 29, 2010
Book debuted on June 29, 2010

New Book About The Late Dr. Manuel Scott Sr. Debuts At Calvary Baptist Church

The late Dr. Manuel Scott, Sr. pastored at Calvary Baptist Church in Los Angeles for 33 years, so it is fitting that a new book of his most memorable sayings, The Quotable Manuel Scott, Sr: Words From A Gospel Genius, debuted at his former church on Tuesday, June 29th.

Dr. Manuel Scott, Sr. had a phenomenal way with words, always striving to “make it plain.”  As Dr. Jerry Young, Vice President-At-Large of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. put it, “Without exception, Dr. Manuel Scott was a profound, prolific and penetrating preacher who had the unique ability to preach with unparalleled clarity and conviction.”  Dr. Scott authored two books, From A Black Brother and The Gospel For The Ghetto.

Dr. Manuel Scott, Sr. was twice named one of America’s 15 Greatest Black Preachers by Ebony Magazine as well as Outstanding Minister Of The Year by the Los Angeles Business Association.  Dr. Scott also served as President of the Western Baptist State Convention Of California for four years (1977-1980) as well as Secretary Of Evangelism for the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. for many years.

To compile this collection of sayings and sermons from this gospel genius, Dr. Scott’s eldest son, Evangelist Manuel Scott Jr, pored over his father’s books, sermons, and lectures, and solicited quotes from some 40 preachers and pastors as well as relatives and former church members who knew him well.   The Quotable Manuel Scott, Sr ($15) contains nearly 500 quotes from Dr. Scott.  “We need to gossip the Gospel.”  One of  Dr. Scott’s seven full sermons in this book, “Gavel Grabbers Or Gospel Carriers?” delves into the root causes of turmoil in our local churches: “They keep asking me, ‘How did you stay at Calvary for 33 years?’  I knew gavel grabbers!”

The Quotable Manuel Scott, Sr book sold out the first night of the revival at Calvary Baptist Church.  A crowd gathered at the table to have their books autographed by Evangelist Manuel Scott, Jr.  Many bought several copies.

For more information or to view Evangelist Scott’s schedule of upcoming speaking engagements, please visit or write Manuel Scott Jr. Ministries, Inc, P.O. Box 8865, Los Angeles, CA 90008 (626) 369-6360.

About The Author

As a full-time evangelist for the past 28 years, Manuel Scott, Jr. has conducted over 1000 revivals nationwide.  Last year alone, 860 people came to the Lord under Evangelist Scott’s preaching and teaching, including 115 as candidates for baptism. Evangelist Manuel Scott, Jr is believed to be the only full-time, seminary-trained evangelist coming out of the Black Baptist Church in the last 100 years or more.

In his 38 years of preaching, Evangelist Manuel Scott Jr. has preached for 11 different denominations and over 20,000 souls have been saved. Evangelist Scott spoke at 116 churches last year and is endorsed and praised by many of the great preachers of Los Angeles, including Bishop Charles Blake, Bishop T. Larry Kirkland, and the late Dr. E. V. Hill.  Park Windsor Baptist Church was the one of the fastest growing young adult churches in Los Angeles during the five years Rev. Manuel Scott, Jr. was Pastor there.

Evangelist Scott earned his Bachelors degree from UCLA and his Masters of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey.

The Quotable Manuel Scott, Sr: Words From A Gospel Genius ($15.00) by Manuel Scott, Jr., 238 pages, Manuel Scott Jr. Ministries, Inc., 2010.   ISBN 978-0-615-36665-4