Call 2 Worship – July 4
Carson Community Deliverance Center Church holds a Women’s Prayer Service on Saturday, July 13 at 10 a.m., at 555 E. 220th St., in Carson. The public is invited to attend for worship and prayer. For information, call (310) 835-7905. Murph Chapel-St. Paul AME Church plans its 3rd Annual Back2School-StayNSchool Backpack Giveaway on July 13, at 10 a.m., at 1381 Pass and Covina Road in Valinda, said Pastor Tracey Johnson. Food, music and other items will be distributed to all students in attendance. To learn more, call (626) 917-3686 or email revtcjohnson@yahoo.com. Park Hills Community Church plans Vacation Bible School on July