Faith Foster Families hosts a Fostering Home Recruitment and Foster Family Appreciation Event on June 29, at 10 a.m., at Center of Hope, 9550 S. Crenshaw Blvd., in Inglewood. The program will share information on foster youth, becoming a foster family and volunteer options. To learn more, call (323) 703-5860.

Holman United Methodist Church presents Unity Sunday on June 30, at 3320 W. Adams Blvd., in Los Angeles, said Bishop Warner H. Brown, Jr., interim pastor. Activities include a Unity Breakfast at 8:30 a.m., Faith Formation Forum at 9 a.m., worship service at 11 a.m., and a Sending Forth reception for the Brown family at 12:30 p.m. Call (323) 703-5868 for details.

Carson Community Deliverance Center Church holds a Women’s Prayer Service on Saturday, July 13 at 10 a.m., at 555 E. 220th St., in Carson.  The public is invited to attend for worship and prayer.  For information, call (310) 835-7905.

Murph Chapel-St. Paul AME Church plans its 3rd Annual Back2School-StayNSchool Backpack Giveaway on July 13, at 10 a.m., at 1381 Pass and Covina Road in Valinda, said Pastor Tracey Johnson. Food, music and other items will be distributed to all students in attendance. To learn more, call (626) 917-3686 or email

First New Christian Fellowship Baptist Church offers free meals for children ages 18 and younger through August 9, at 1555 West 108th Street, in Los Angeles, said Pastor Norman S. Johnson, Sr. The FNCF Community Development Corporation sponsors the program. Meals are served weekdays, 7 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. The meals are a component of the Summer Food Service Program, sponsored by the California Department of Education’s Nutrition Services Division. For information, call (323) 756-2541.

Church of God Pentecostal sponsors Family and Friends Day on July 21, at 10:15 a.m., at 109 W. Buckthorn St., in Inglewood, said Bishop Johnny Young, senior pastor. Bishop Jonathan Young, COGP executive pastor, will deliver the sermon. Learn more by calling (310) 419-7335.