Michelle Avan – New Role with Bank of America
Michelle A. Avan is a trailblazer and one of the most highly respected business women across multiple local and national groups serving the larger community.
Michelle A. Avan is a trailblazer and one of the most highly respected business women across multiple local and national groups serving the larger community.
The University of Phoenix (UOP), one of the nation’s largest for-profit colleges will pay a record $191 million settlement to resolve charges stemming from a five-year investigation by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). On December 10, Andrew Smith, Director of FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection noted it was the largest settlement the Commission has obtained in a case against a for-profit school.
College students today come in many ages and from many backgrounds. In addition to recent high school graduates, there are laid off workers who need updated skills, and single heads of household returning to school to better provide for their families. Veterans seeking to transition to civilian life are also seeking higher education as a way out and up the financial ladder.
That dream started in 2008 with the development of Nurses Roc 2, a company designed to provide seminars and inspirational tools for nursing students.
The Rev. Dr. Sherman A. Gordon reached another milestone recently with his elevation to bishop in the Lord’s Church within Global United Fellowship (GUF). GUF Presiding Bishop Neil C. Ellis officially consecrated Gordon, the pastor of Family of Faith Christian Center in Long Beach, to the position during the organization’s global gathering convocation on July 11. Unlike traditional denominations, GUF considers itself “an international body of spiritual leaders, fellowships and congregations united to strategically plan, implement and execute transformative and generational change as well as expanding the Kingdom of God to all the nations of the world,” according to its