The Rev. Dr. Sherman A. Gordon reached another milestone recently with his elevation to bishop in the Lord’s Church within Global United Fellowship (GUF).
GUF Presiding Bishop Neil C. Ellis officially consecrated Gordon, the pastor of Family of Faith Christian Center in Long Beach, to the position during the organization’s global gathering convocation on July 11.
Unlike traditional denominations, GUF considers itself “an international body of spiritual leaders, fellowships and congregations united to strategically plan, implement and execute transformative and generational change as well as expanding the Kingdom of God to all the nations of the world,” according to its website. The website also cites the Right Rev. Kenneth C. Ulmer, pastor of Faithful Central Bible Church in Inglewood, as the vice presiding bishop of GUF.
Elated about the appointment, Gordon said, “The wonderful thing about GUF is that it is a fellowship. We are not connected to any particular denomination, but a fellowship brings together pastors and churches, both locally and globally, to work hand-in-hand to improve our ministries and our communities.”
In his new role, Gordon will oversee several pastors and churches in California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah and Hawaii. His responsibilities include providing a prayer covering, guidance, counseling and helping ministries expand in various areas.
“GUF members, as well as all churches, have many commonalities such as maintaining our membership, attracting millennials and establishing other revenue streams to supplement tithes and offerings,” noted Gordon. “The one thing I like about GUF is that some people have been pastors longer than I have and we are able to train each other. We can pool our resources together and grow together.”
Gordon has consistently moved forward since he accepted the call to preach at the age of 16. Nine years later, he became a pastor and in 2004, he founded Sherman A. Gordon Ministries to offer mentoring and educational programs for youth.
His next move was organizing Family of Faith in 2010, a church that continues to grow spiritually and numerically. In addition to being a full-time pastor, Gordon is an adjunct professor at the University of Phoenix where he teaches world religion.
A strong advocate of education, Gordon is academically prepared to succeed in his many roles. He earned his Bachelor’s degree at UC Santa Barbara, his Masters’ degrees from Claremont School of Theology and the University of Phoenix, and his Doctor of Ministry degree from United Theological Seminary.
However, his passion is ministering to others, said Gordon, who explained, “For me, I love seeing men and young people change their lives around and come to Christ. Women have always attended church, but to get men and young people involved really gets me excited.”
To learn more about GUF, visit globalunitedfellowship.org. To learn about Gordon and Family of Faith, visit fofccglobal.com.