Sandra Evers-Manly

Till Victory Is Won

As I examine Black History Month 2021, and what may be accomplished during the shortest month of the year, I am reminded of a special song that continues to motivate generations since the late 1890’s. First commissioned as a poem, “Life Every Voice and Sing” was written by James Weldon Johnson, Principal of the segregated Stanton School in Jacksonville, Florida.

President Sandra Evers-Manly Talks About BHERC Complete Program for the 26th Annual African American Film Marketplace & S.E. Manly Short Film Showcase Oct. 23 to Nov. 29, 2020

Ms. Sandra J. Evers-Manly is president of the Black Hollywood Education and Resource Center (BHERC), and former president of the Beverly Hills/Hollywood NAACP in Los Angeles, California. Evers-Manly is the cousin of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers. She is author of the book “Raided Up By Mrs. Manly and Her L’s” and ardent philanthropist and recent member of the 2020 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Academy.


The Black Hollywood Education and Resource Center (BHERC) “Operation Love” volunteer team members welcomed a steady flow of donors Sunday, May 24  from 1:00 to 3:00PM.  Their goal for this day, was to gather 100 blankets that they would in turn distribute to the homeless the following week.  What they could not anticipate, was the outpour and steady march of vehicles and face masked pedestrians that pushed that goal to an unbelievable 1121 blankets. In addition, monetary donations for the purchase of additional blankets were collected as well.


On April 29, 1992, Ward Economic Development Corp (WEDC) had just completed its first housing development – Ward Villas (WV).  In the first month, neighbors – even those who were skeptical about who would move into affordable housing – came to help us protect the newly completed 90,000 + square ft. state of the art complex from being burned or looted.  People of good will provided staples, helped to “man” the fire hoses, stood guard, help residents feel comfortable, setting in place a close community relatedness that has lasted over these last 29 years.

BHERC ‘Operation Love’ Aids Union Rescue Mission During COVID-19

The Black Hollywood Education and Resource Center (BHERC) continued its “Operation Love” outreach April 19, with a drive to collect toilet paper for the Union Rescue Mission (URM). Located on skid row in downtown L.A., URM works directly with homeless individuals through its life-transforming ministry focused on the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. BHERC is a nonprofit, public benefit organization designed to advocate, educate, research, develop, and preserve the history and future of Black images in film and television. The “Operation Love” effort was planned to meet a dire, essential, and practical need during the COVID-19 pandemic. BHERC

BHERC Launches Faith-Based and Inspirational Film Festival

The Black Hollywood Education and Resource Center hosts the inaugural BHERC Faith-Based & Inspirational Film Festival on Saturday, Oct. 12, from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., at the Los Angeles Center Studios, 450 Bixel St., in Los Angeles. “There is an important audience out there waiting to support faith-based and inspirational films. BHERC wants to connect that audience with those films and filmmakers,” said Sandra Evers-Manly, BHERC president and founder. “This has been an extraordinary year of remarkable films of faith and inspiration. Now more than ever, these films and their messages are needed. They deserve attention, support and dedicated