Words of the Week: More in 2024 – Part 2, More Grace
“Grace is God’s answer to the junk of life.” The junk in our lives cause us to live beneath the privileges of abundant life we have in Jesus Christ.
“Grace is God’s answer to the junk of life.” The junk in our lives cause us to live beneath the privileges of abundant life we have in Jesus Christ.
Scripture: I Thessalonians 5:1-11 The phrase stay woke has been present in African American Vernacular English (Ebonics) since the 1930s. It is referred to as an awareness of social and political issues affecting African Americans. The phrase was uttered in recordings from the mid-century by my wife’s great uncle, folk singer Huddie Leadbetter (Lead Belly). He used the phrase as part of a spoken afterword to his 1938 recording of his song “Scottsboro Boys,” which tells the story of nine teenagers falsely accused, convicted and jailed of raping two white women in Alabama in 1931. Erykah Badu admonished her post
Demonstrating their commitment to spiritual and physical revival, the churches sponsoring the Community Lenten Caravan presented two local nonprofit organizations with a financial donation on April 5.
The Lord blesses the people of the Lord and then and only then does He ask the people to acknowledge the source of the blessings.
This is the third sermon in a series entitled, “What Really Matters: Lessons From the COVID-19 Pandemic.” During the pandemic, we discovered that faith, family and friends matter.
Words of the Week
Scripture: Matthew 27:15-26 The June 17 anniversary of the massacre of the nine persons slain while attending Bible study at Mother Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina and the recent Jihadist massacre of 49 sisters and brothers of the LGBTQ community early Sunday morning June 12th at the Pulse Night Club in Orlando, Florida brought back to memory a reflection on giving up hatred. Hatred has pervaded our public dialogue and presidential politics. Everybody has their share of haters. People will hate on you because of the clothes you wear, the color of your hair, the car you drive
Scripture: 1 Cor. 15:12-22 While pastoring in Kansas City some years ago, I served as co-chair of what became a nationally acclaimed End of Life program entitled “Compassion Sabbath.” The program was sponsored by the Center for Practical Bioethics aimed at increasing the quality of spiritual care provided by faith leaders to their congregants at the end of their lives. We were successful in bringing together over 300 faith leaders to share ways that they could be more effective in their end of life ministry. One of the conversations surrounding our work was that of “realistic vs unrealistic hope.” When