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police dogs

INTERVIEW: Protecting Democracy – An Interview with Sen. Nina Turner
“A Bernie Sanders presidency means an America where folks don’t die because they’ve got to rotate out their insulin to make sure it lasts. We are looking for an America where hospitals are not closing but are expanding services to vulnerable communities. We want a healthcare system that is not commodified. That’s it and that’s all.” — Senator Nina Turner

Cardinal To Sponsor Police K-9 Demo And Safety Fair
LOS ANGELES – Cardinal Pet Care has announced that it will sponsor the Los Angeles County Police Canine Association’s (LACPCA) 20th Annual Police Canine Demo and Safety Fair, which will take place on Saturday, July 20th at Redondo Union High School. The event is held annually by the LACPCA to increase awareness and appreciation for the indispensable services police dogs provide in detecting and preventing crime, covering officers, and protecting the public’s safety. This year’s event will feature a Safety Fair from 1-3 pm and K-9 Demo from 3-5 pm. As a community sponsor, Cardinal Pet Care will feature its line