Oscar Micheaux

Building Black Community in Hollywood

“People always reference crabs in a barrel, but no one ever questions the barrel,” Ketayma Stewart said. “When crabs are on the beach, they cooperate. It’s only when they’re confined that they compete.”

Micheaux Film Festival Is Back For Year Six

The Micheaux Film Festival continues to champion an often-underrepresented demographic of creatives who may not always feel seen within the media. The submission deadline is Thursday, July 11.

HBCU in LA Advocates for Diversity in Film Industry, Reminding Young Black Filmmakers of Those Who Came Before

For many years, Stacy Milner, former executive assistant to the chairman of NBC and then to the chairman of Paramount Pictures, has devoted herself to increasing ethnic and cultural diversity in the entertainment industry. In 2010, she founded the Entertainment Industry College Outreach Program (EICOP), a recruitment initiative designed to channel students of color – primarily HBCU and Hispanic-serving institution graduates – into careers in this predominantly White field.