December 15: “Do the Funky Chicken” Artist Rufus Thomas dies, 2001
December 15: “Do the Funky Chicken” Artist Rufus Thomas dies, 2001
December 15: “Do the Funky Chicken” Artist Rufus Thomas dies, 2001
December 14: After the Death of His Wife and Himself, George Washington Released the Slaves that Served him
Grammy-winning musician Pharrell Williams on Saturday told the newest graduates of a historically Black university in Virginia to act like “the emerging majority” and help develop the area’s businesses and culture.
The Rev. C. Herbert Oliver, a civil rights activist who documented police brutality against African Americans in Alabama in the early 1960s and later fought for public school reform in New York City, has died. He was 96.
With only a few signs existing to memorialize the tragic events that took place at Forks of the Road in Natchez, junior and senior-level students of architecture and interior design at the University of Texas at San Antonio helped people realize the site is a far cry from reaching its full potential.
A Georgia city may soon decide what to do with a decades-old restaurant that served southern staples and lured celebrities but also used racist imagery and tropes to evoke the pre-Civil War South.
Lowe’s CEO Marvin Ellison personally knows about racism. He grew up in segregated rural Tennessee. His father was a sharecropper-turned-insurance salesman and his mother was one of the first in their family to graduate from high school. Both parents taught him and his six siblings to never allow their surroundings to limit their expectations or their vision of what they could be.
December 10: the first African-American Received the Nobel Peace Prize, 1950
Last summer, after the May 25, 2020 killing of George Floyd by former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin, there were protests in the streets around the U.S.
December 9: The First African American Photographer to be receive a Guggenheim Honor,, born in 1919
December 8: NAACP filed first suit to equalize salaries for Black Teachers
A Black woman who sued the weight loss and wellness clinic chain Lindora LLC alleging her management job was wrongfully eliminated in 2020 can proceed with part of her race harassment claim, in which she says she was offended by being called “Cardi B,” a judge ruled.
After the murder of George Floyd in May 2020, the University of Minnesota’s College of Design launched the Design Justice Initiative, which seeks to support the retention and inclusion of Black, Indigenous and students of color through affinity spaces, policy adaptations and operational changes.
There was a time during the pandemic when Jacoby Browder, a Birmingham native who grew up around Prattville, was unemployed for around seven months. Add to that the pressure of being the non-working partner in a relationship and caring for a child, and Browder found himself in a depressed state of mind.
December 7: American Contemporary Writer Richard Wright wins the Spingarn Award, 1941