National Kidney Foundation

Racial Bias Uncovered in Kidney Transplantation System: Thousands of Black Patients Prioritized After Years of Waiting

“Not everyone approaches medicine with a health equity lens. Many clinicians are not aware of existing disparities — how Black patients do not get referred to nephrology as early as white patients and do not have sufficient access to transplant ,” said Dr. Nwamaka Eneanya, an assistant professor at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Health System. “In medicine, the tendency is to say, ‘This is what a study showed, so this is what we should do,’ focusing on biomarkers and statistical tests without examining issues of ethics or health equity.”

Race-Neutral Formula for Assessing Kidney Function Provides Hope for Better Health

UCLA Professor and Nephrologist Dr. Keith Norris has advocated for a race-neutral formula for assessing kidney function for years, and now the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) and the American Society of Nephrology (ASN) are urging laboratories nationwide to adopt a newly modified equation that will diagnose chronic kidney disease earlier and help save lives.

Dialyses Nurses: Prop 23 Poses Grave Threat to Black Patients

If passed, Proposition 23 would require all kidney dialysis clinics to have a physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant on site during dialysis treatment. It would also prohibit clinics from reducing their services without state approval and make it illegal for them to refuse treatment for patients based on their insurance or payment source.