Minority Health Institute

Listen to Your Heart: Raising Awareness of a Serious Heart Condition in the African American and Black Community

As an experienced cardiologist who has treated Black people affected by heart disease for 50 years, I have the duty to inform you about a serious heart condition that impacts our community. Please read this information carefully. It may change your life – or the life of a loved one.

Call 2 Worship – February 27

Union Rescue Mission holds a groundbreaking ceremony for Angeles House on Feb. 28, at 11 a.m., at 13200 Avalon Blvd., in Los Angeles, said Rev. Andy Bales, CEO. The new bridge facility will provide housing for 86 families when completed. For details, call Kitty Davis-Walker at (213) 673-4585 or (213) 507-5562. First United Methodist Church of Compton has fish dinners available every Friday, from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., at 1025 S. Long Beach Blvd., in Compton, said Pastor Arnetha Inge. The United Methodist Men sponsors the event. A choice of catfish or red snapper is offered, along with side

Call 2 Worship – February 20

Holman United Methodist Church hosts a nonviolence workshop with Rev. James Lawson on Feb. 22, at 9 a.m., at 3320 W. Adams Blvd., in Los Angeles. The session will share nonviolent strategies to effect social change. Refreshments will be served. On Feb. 23, at 4 p.m., the 60th Annual Concert of Spirituals take place. The Holman choir will perform. William Campbell, Jr., is the music director and Robert Johnson, Jr., is the organist. The donation ranges from $15-to-$50. The Heritage Festival takes place on Feb. 29, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. For details on all events, call (323) 703-5868.

Physician Calls on Legislators to Oppose Bill Threatening California’s Most Vulnerable Dialysis Patient Population

If passed, SB 1156 will severely limit the ability of charitable organizations from providing financial assistance to dialysis patients in need. These are the charitable organizations whose financial assistance allows for access to treatment and care for thousands of patients suffering from kidney failure in California, including many minority patients. For these patients, charitable assistance is the sole reason they are able to continue paying for their costly and life-sustaining dialysis treatment.