Mel’s Fish Shack

 Taste of Soul Family Festival Shows Appreciation to Vendors

On Tuesday, Oct. 29, the Taste of Soul organizers invited over 300 festival vendors to a special appreciation reception at The Beehive in South L.A, CA, sponsored by Wells Fargo, thanking them for their entrepreneurial spirit and economic contribution to the festival.  

Black Restaurant Coalition Launches to Help Greater Los Angeles’ Black-Owned Restaurants Survive Amid COVID Pandemic

A newly formed coalition is advocating for Los Angeles County’s Black-Owned restaurants to help keep their doors open during the coronavirus pandemic. The Black Restaurant Coalition of Los Angeles exists to support and promote a movement to Dine Black, supporting Black institutions that support vibrant Black Communities. Their mission is to amplify issues facing Black restaurant owners during the coronavirus pandemic, including cost of goods, rent and temporary COVID-19 regulations and policies and beyond.

Councilmember Harris-Dawson Launches Meal Program to Support South L.A Seniors and Small Businesses During COVID-19

City Councilmember Marqueece Harris-Dawson launched an emergency program to provide free healthy meals to homebound seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic. This crisis presents a crucible for leaders and requires quick strategic thinking to preserve our communities.  The councilmember launched this innovative program to divert funding from community events that were canceled due to COVID-19, and support two highly vulnerable populations during the pandemic: homebound seniors; as well as small business owners and their employees.