Larry Aubry

Minimizing Race Reinforces White Privilege

The bogus claim that America is a post-racial society is fueled not only by conservatives, but liberals and progressives as well.  (Note: A post-racial America was one of Barack Obama’s campaign themes.)  This hybrid collective is made up of ideological opponents, i.e., extreme right wing   conservatives, ambivalent liberals and so-called progressives.  Unfortunately, many Blacks also embrace the post-racial rhetoric, albeit for vastly different reasons. White leadership downplays the primacy of race, but maintains race-based power under the mythical guise of America as a melting pot. And for many Blacks, minimizing race is part of a long- misguided attempt to assimilate

White Privilege Aided By Minimizing Race

The ongoing reality of white privilege cannot be overemphasized and should never be minimized. Why? As the face of racism, white privilege perpetuates America’s foundational tenet, i.e., to control and oppress people on the basis of race or ethnicit


Donald Trump’s indescribably chaotic, insensitive and destructive presidency borders on surreal. But, how will Blacks in particular, navigate the increasingly hostile social, political and economic challenges it portends? Many, if not most of us, are more adept at perpetuating rather than alleviating a status quo that is not in our own best interests. Is it because, among many other reasons, the Black community overwhelmingly permits Black leadership, in general, to act in self-serving ways that do not actually benefit the community? Whatever the reasons, our people’s mindsets and behavior must change if things are to be different. Most likely, this will only happen when, collectively, we are sufficiently dissatisfied to think and behave differently. This is the quintessential but accomplishable challenge.

Empowerment Requires Unaccustomed Unity

We must never minimize the fundamental importance of being unified especially since Blacks have not been unified on key social, political, economic and ethical issues for many years.

Straight Talk About Injustices

Terrible de-humanizing injustices have been visited on Black people in the United States, but there is never a good reason to collaborate in one’s own destruction.