Call 2 Worship – March 3, 2022

A calendar of events listing some of the faith-based and community events happening in the greater Los Angeles area.

Call 2 Worship – February 18

Many uplifting activities are being sponsored by ministries, neighborhood groups and government agencies throughout the greater Los Angeles area. The Sentinel Religion section is happy to list some of those programs.

Johnson launches new TV broadcast

Bishop Ernest Johnson has launched JITA TV, a weekly broadcast on new digital channel, KVMD TV 31.1. The JITA TV program airs Sundays from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m., and Mondays from 1 a.m. to 2 a.m.  Also, JITA TV maintains at 24/7 online channel that reaches worldwide at www.jitatv.org KVMD is carried on Direct TV, Dish Network, Verizon, and 75% of Time Warner Cable outlets throughout Southern California.  According to Bishop Johnson, its potential coverage reaches an estimated 18 million viewers. “I have been in television since 1984 and now, I have been given a new charge to reach millions