DeVos Hands For-Profit Colleges $11.1 Billion Over 10 Years
Most consumers would likely agree that consumers should get what they pay for. If a product or service fails to deliver its promises, refunds are in order.
Most consumers would likely agree that consumers should get what they pay for. If a product or service fails to deliver its promises, refunds are in order.
Every Fourth of July celebrates this nation’s founding. But this year, only a few days before the annual freedom celebration, an ill-advised governmental action will financially doom rather than free millions of student loan borrowers – as of July 1. Moreover, this action arrives as the cost of higher education continues to soar and household incomes remain largely stagnant.
Today’s increasingly competitive global economy requires and recruits those who are highly-skilled and knowledgeable. People understand and accept that higher education is a means to become employable, marketable, and competitive.