
Environmental Racism is Real, Destructive and Deadly

While the study takes a somewhat different approach in examining disparities in air pollution exposure by examining consumption of goods and services, “its findings once again reveal blacks and Hispanics bear a disproportionate ‘pollution burden’ or costs, while Whites experience ‘pollution advantage’ or benefits,” Dr. Bullard said. 

Natacha Buchanan Applauds ONG Industry’s Outreach to Minorities

An analysis from the American Petroleum Institute (API) revealed a mostly positive outlook for African Americans and Hispanics in the oil and natural gas industry. The 2019 study noted that, with the right policies, African Americans and Hispanics could hold 166,000 of the new oil and natural gas jobs created by this year. That represents 31 percent of the projected 525,000 new job opportunities.

CDC Greenlights Evictions Despite Continued Pandemic

Landlords can resume eviction proceedings after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued clarifications to a previous executive order from President Donald Trump.

A study conducted by Harvard University’s Department of Housing Studies revealed that half of Americans who rent are either severely rent-burdened or moderately rent-burdened. For African Americans and Hispanics, researchers at Harvard determined a triple pandemic for those communities. Black and Hispanic households were “much more likely to contract COVID-19, suffer lost income, and face housing insecurity as a result of the pandemic,” the researchers concluded.

How Strong is Our Economy?

“How strong is our economy? It is undoubtedly stronger than it was a year ago, but it’s not as strong as some claim that it is. Labor market weaknesses and inequality are of particular concern to African Americans. Companies are hiring, but they aren’t hiring enough African Americans to close the unemployment rate gap.”

In Black and White: Key Findings of American’s View on Race in 2019

According to a recent study by Pew Research, 84 percent of black respondents said people not seeing racial discrimination where it exists is a bigger problem than people seeing racism where it doesn’t exist. Whites were the only group where a majority, 52 percent, said the opposite was true – that the bigger problem is people seeing racism where it really does not exist.