Why Does Black Hair Frighten Them So?

Isn’t it pathetic at best, and sick at its worse that Black people have to endure white-lash, being White-balled, or straight up punished because of our hair and the many different beautiful Black hairstyles that we wear? This sounds crazy when you hear it right?  The proof in what I’m saying is the fact that right here in so-called liberal California we had to pass the CROWN Act which really should have been named the, “Is it OK for me to be Black Act?” The CROWN Act is an acronym for “Create a Respectful and Open Workplace for Natural Hair,” in

With the Passage of the CROWN Act, Sen. Holly Mitchell Paves the Way for Natural Hair Acceptance

African Americans have long been punished for appearing in professional or academic settings while wearing their natural hair. In 2010, a Black woman in Alabama refused to cut her dreadlocks, and a job offer disappeared. Last December, a video of a Black high school wrestler who was forced get his dreadlocks cut off before a match, went viral. Not long ago, a Google search for “unprofessional hair” returned results mostly featuring Black women wearing their natural curls or braids.