

Have you ever noticed that when driving through the southern United States you are hard-pressed to find a city or town without a memorial to the Confederate war dead, but you are equally hard-pressed to find a city or town with a monument commemorating fallen Revolutionary War soldiers?

Black Lawmaker Renews Call Against Texas Confederate Plaque

A Black Democratic lawmaker called on Texas to immediately remove a Confederate plaque in the state Capitol that rejects slavery as an underlying cause of the Civil War after the state’s attorney general said Wednesday that a legislative vote isn’t needed.

Rewriting Confederate History

On their Website, the Sons of Confederate Veterans describe themselves as preserving the “history and legacy” of the Confederacy. Their organization, they say, is “dedicated to ensuring that “a true history of the 1861-1865 period is preserved.” I would suggest, instead, that the Sons of Confederate Veterans is guilty of rewriting history instead of preserving it.