
Federal Government Providing Nearly $80 million to Combat Violent Crime in U.S.

In addition to the investments, Garland unveiled plans to deploy federal resources and prosecutors to cities disproportionately affected by violent crime, including St. Louis, Missouri; Jackson, Mississippi; and Hartford, Connecticut. He said the targeted deployments aim to support local law enforcement agencies and enhance collaboration in tackling crime hotspots.

COVID – Delta Variant On Rise Throughout Black Community

Los Angeles County, has issued a recent warning that COVID-19 cases, and in particular the Delta variant, throughout the county are on the rise.   African Americans in particular are suffering the effects of the virus more than other communities at an alarming rate and are encouraged to get vaccinated. Dr. Elaine Batchlor, president and CEO of MLKCH said, “If you’ve been waiting to get your COVID vaccine, now is the time to stop waiting and do it.”

Black America Needs a ‘New Normal’: Equitable Credit Access to Build Wealth

Although many officials have called for a ‘return to normal’, millions of small businesses and communities need something new instead. In Black America especially, the ‘old normal’ never delivered equitable access to wealth-building opportunities as those that well-served served much of White America. Instead, a lengthy history of public policies designed to create and sustain a burgeoning middle class systemically excluded Blacks and other people of color.

NAACP President Discusses Biden Administration Appointees and the Impact of COVID Black Americans

The NAACP’s mission is that everyone receives the facts they need to make the best decisions for their families and communities while the fight against the pandemic goes forward, said NAACP president Derrick Johnson. Johnson appeared for a live interview with the National Newspaper Publishers Association’s morning news program, “Let It Be Known.”

Congressional Black Caucus Focuses on Economic Recovery of African Americans in COVID-19 Crisis

The first draft of the COVID-19 Senate stimulus bill focused money to bailout large corporations and the top one percent. But after days of negotiation that included President Trump big footing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the legislation was changed to focus more on the needs of main street Americans.