
A Letter from America’s Children

Dear U.S. Media, Democrats, Republicans, Independents and to the concerned Americans who poured out into the streets to protest Donald Trump’s cruel and faulty immigration policies, What about us? We understand and applaud your response to this administration’s malevolent separation of immigrant families from their children—policies and practices so un-American and shocking that they have come to dominate the national conversation. Your immediate, visceral response to evil spurred you into action. But there is another evil, a pervasive, chronic and unrelenting wickedness that we, your children, live with every day. We are being shot down on the nation’s streets, locked

We Need Educational Equality in Our Schools

Frederick Douglass. Condoleezza Rice. Martin Luther King, Jr. Clarence Thomas. Ida B. Wells. Shirley Chisholm. All of these leaders will receive renewed national attention during this Black History Month. And all have something else in common: their emphasis on education.