Terence Simpson and Team Build Community with JoinLinks
Terence Simpson utilized his experience to create JoinLinks – “an app that helps people find fun things to do each week and meet cool people to do them with.”
Terence Simpson utilized his experience to create JoinLinks – “an app that helps people find fun things to do each week and meet cool people to do them with.”
“The crows and musical numbers pay homage to racist minstrel shows, where White performers with blackened faces and tattered clothing imitated and ridiculed enslaved Africans on Southern plantations,” Disney officials noted about “Dumbo” on its streaming platform. “The leader of the group in Dumbo is Jim Crow, which shares the name of laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States,” the statement continued.
The safest driver will be awarded $20,000, with several other categories that will bring the winners $7,500 to $10,000.
The Styled by Love E app is going to make looking good a little easier.
Get Help LA app will start in January, with the goal of eventually making it available to the general public.
The mobile app will be designed to provide advance notice that an earthquake is about to strike through a text or other electronic means
The mobile app will be designed to provide advance notice that an earthquake is about to strike through a text or other electronic means.
This year saw Black men making moves across the board from technology to the vodka industry.
While the app was still in the early developing phase, Abdullah thought it would be great to have a Claim It! truck that people could come to and get free stuff.
Now, five teenage girls from Kenya’s western city of Kisumu are the latest standouts in that revolution.