So, the woman or lady or young woman you have been sleeping with says, “I’m pregnant.” Well, what did you expect to happen? Maybe you never thought about it. Well, it’s time to think about a child can come from this union … Surprise! It’s time to be growing up and be responsible and accountable. You’re going to have another mouth to feed. You’re going to need to stop your life as you have been living it. You’re going to have to make some sacrifices. After all, that’s better than murdering the child!!! Isn’t it? Oh! You have to think about it. You say, ‘I have to make a difference. I have to take care of this child and consider others rather than just myself.’ So, the woman says, “I don’t want this baby!” As the progenitor, you have something to say about it too! No! You cannot kill my baby! Well, you should have thought about that beforehand. I know. I know.
Today the mantra is ‘every woman has the right to do whatever she wants to do with her own body. Fight back men! Say, “No! I want the baby. Take care of the little baby. Come back fathers! However, what about you have been irresponsible. When a man or a woman or a child or a baby gets killed, it’s not just one person who has been killed! When Cain killed Abel, what did it say, “The voice of righteous Abel’s “blood” (bloods) cries out from the ground.” When a baby is murdered, how do you know how many doctors or nurses or teachers or prophets or astronauts or oncologists, gynecologists or other great and famous people were in that blood/s which was destroyed! With all the so-called modern ways of exterminating human beings, who will speak for the unborn? When the Pharaoh ordered the midwives to murder all the male babies, the midwives refused to do it. Because of their obedience, they were greatly blessed when they chose to do the right thing.
Look! I know these are stressful times and things happen unexpectedly; however, remember our posterity. Remember your posterity. What is posterity? All future generations of people; the victims names who are recorded; that person’s descendants. “God offered Abraham a posterity like the stars of heaven.” Posterity: descendants, heirs, successors, offspring, children, family, progeny, scionism or your issue. Don’t be fooled with all the frills and thrills of murdering the innocents. IT’S NOT RIGHT! DON’T DO IT.” Because you will be sorry you did it. You don’t just kill somebody and forget about it. It’s a life. It’s going to haunt you. You are going to wonder,” Was it a boy or a girl?” Seems like sometimes people are caring more about the animals than about the little children. I strongly suggest that you don’t sacrifice yourself to idols. You may not think too much about your posterity because you may be struggling now here in this life to live day-to-day and get along. However, there is God who is interested in your daily welfare. Keep your mind on the Lord. Thanks for reading!
Jeanette Grattan Parker, Founder-Superintendent Today’s Fresh Start Charter School 323-293-9826; [email protected]tm tm[email protected] tm “Inquiring minds want to know.”© All rights reserved© tm