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Are you worried about the long-term side effects of the vaccine? Are you afraid that it came out too soon for scientists to fully test? Are you worried that you’re going to have to get a booster a year from now? Are you concerned that the vaccine will alter your DNA or cause blood clots? Are you mad that you still have to wear a mask?

While you’re waiting to see what happens you risk catching the Covid-19 virus. You risk passing it along to other people—and being the cause of another person’s death. You risk suffering the long term and unknown side effects of a virus that’s only been in humans for a little over a year. You risk being the incubator for an even more dangerous and deadly mutation of the virus. You risk your own life and the lives of many others.

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Maybe you’re one of the millions of Americans with a family history of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, asthma, cancer, smoking, HIV/AIDS, or sickle-cell. Maybe you have one of these conditions. If you wait and see what happens you increase the likelihood that you will catch COVID. You diminish your chance of surviving it. If a family member contracts Covid from you they have less of a chance of surviving it. There’s an awful reason that more Black people die from Covid than most other racial and ethnic groups — Black people have more conditions that are already killing us in higher numbers.

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There’s a reason you shouldn’t rely on your barber for medical advice. It’s the same reason that you shouldn’t get your news from social media: neither one is a reliable source for that type of expertise. The Center for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institute for Health (NIH), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are all more reliable sources for vaccine information than your cousin on Facebook. Each agency plays a part in the research and development of the vaccines, the vaccine rollouts, and their safety and efficacy. Each agency stands fully behind their work and will reliably tell you about the issues that may arise from the vaccines. Find the latest updates and reliable information on their websites.

Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, one of the nation’s most accomplished medical experts in the field of viral immunology is a Black woman.  She is the globally renowned pioneering scientist and infectious disease innovator who led a team of scientists at the National Institute of Health (NIH) in the development of the COVID19 vaccine.

(Courtesy Photo)“Vaccines have the potential to be the equalizer of health disparities, especially around infectious diseases. I could never sleep at night if I developed anything — if any product of my science came out — and it did not equally benefit the people that look like me. Period.”

You can choose to trust her, or you can wait and see what happens when you catch Covid-19.

For more information about getting vaccinated visit 

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updated 5/28 by Sentinel News Service 11:15 am pst