What’s Going On? 

     Like many of you, music has been a big part of my life in both my childhood and adulthood. I have fond memories of listening to the sweet sounds coming from my grandmother’s record player. Music has always allowed me to express my emotions and sentiments.    During tough times, it was music that permitted me a chance to escape from the difficulties of life. Music has brought much happiness and peace into my life. Many of my father’s side of the family could sing or play an instrument, but unfortunately, I was not blessed with the gift of

Our Stories Must Be Included in History 

The Korean War, also known as the Forgotten War, was fought between North and South Korea during the early 1950’s.  World War II ended just five years before the Korean War and it was originally thought that the United States would stay out of this one, but President Truman and others thought differently.  

Why We Must Promote Love Over Hate 

I often ask myself why are people more prone to be negative than positive?  Why do we seem to find the bad in people before we search for the good?  I consciously try to live my life in the realm of forgiving people, showing kindness, and demonstrating love in a tangible way.  

Your Vote May Help the Voiceless 

Do you happen to be one of the people that does not bother to vote?  Do you realize that your vote matters to more than just you and your family? The vote that you cast today may also be the voice for those who feel hopeless and helpless tomorrow.  

Save Your Breast By Doing The Test  

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  The point is to raise awareness around the impact of breast cancer.  Women should start considering getting mammograms on a regular basis around the age of 40 and annually after turning 50.

 “Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave” 

Sir Walter Scott said, “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!” This quote roughly translates to mean that when one acts dishonestly, they are initiating problems, and a domino structure of complications, that will eventually run out of control. Bottom line, when people act in a dishonest fashion, what they do in the dark will eventually come to light.  

The Measure of a Man 

Many have written books about men who are virtuous and embody strong values.  The quote by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy,” sums it up quite succinctly in my opinion.   

Honoring Every Part of Who You Are  

  Growing up as a bi-racial child today in America is not unusual, however when I was born in 1961, it was a new trend. Interestingly, children of mixed heritage have been with us since the beginning of time, but here in the United States, we have what is referred to as the one drop rule.     If you have even one drop of Black blood, you are considered Black. I was raised by my African American (paternal) side of the family and lived with my grandmother, affectionately known as Mother Dear.  My grandmother taught me to always hold my

‘The Woman King’ 

If we knew better, would we really do better?  Many times, we say we want to make a difference and help the cause, but we are not always willing to leave our comfort zone to do it.   

What is it You Truly Know? 

I remember when I first subscribed to Oprah’s O Magazine and how I looked forward to reading the back of the magazine where there was a section Oprah called, “What I Know For Sure.” She eventually even wrote a whole book on the subject.  

Standing the Test of Time 

  Heather Hutt is a woman who has stood the test of time.  She has been committed to the community and serving its people in one form or another since I have known her.      I remember when we first met, I was not sure what she did, but what I did know was she was someone that could get things done and if she did not have the answer, she knew where to go and get the answer.      I have many memories of reaching out to her for help, whether it was on how to get into a

Sending Kids To College 

This is the time of year when we take or send our kids to college. I can remember both the joy and sorrow of taking my daughter, Courtney, to Spelman and a few years later taking my son, Freddie, to the University of California at Irvine (UCI).  

Rainmaker for Black Businesses 

August is National Black Business Month. This effort was started and co-founded by John William Templeton and Frederick E. Jordan, both entrepreneurs.  The goal is to put a spotlight on Black owned businesses and support them by patronizing them and celebrating diversity and equity in our country.