

Some of the same subjects are on the daily and nightly news. Here’s something interesting that you may have thought about. That’s “the utilities.” That’s right. Although it’s a big subject, you don’t hear much about the “utilities.”  

Keeping the Faith in the Mist of Madness: Now Let’s go to Work  

By the time you guys read this article, we will be on the final day of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago.  Now that we’ve all heard the speeches, promises, predictions, potential policies, plans and platitudes; it’s time to go to work.  I don’t need to tell you that the dominant society, more so than the house negro (we sick boss) are reeling in shock and is frightened—frightened because their worst nightmare looks like it just might come true.   

August, the Election and Our Larger Struggle: Reaffirming Our Ethical and Political Imperatives

We are again in the midst of August, a special month of commemoration and celebration of a tradition of righteous and relentless struggle essential to our self-understanding and self-assertion as an African people in the world. It is a month that offers hard and heavy evidence of  our people in this country and around the world forming themselves and freeing themselves in struggle, in revolution, revolt and liberational resistance of varied kinds.   

Black People DO and WILL Participate in Clinical Trials!

I Choose Life Foundation (ICLF) had an opportunity to showcase an educational video produced in partnership with Jumo Health and Merck & Co. addressing the Black community and clinical trials at the 26th Annual REEL Black Men Film Showcase hosted by the Black Hollywood Education and Resource Center (BHERC).

The Untold Story: Narratives of Black Angelenos Experiencing Homelessness

Governor Newsom’s recent executive order for state agencies to dismantle encampments, coupled with the Supreme Court’s Grants Pass decision, could potentially set us back to criminalizing homelessness rather than addressing the crisis with humane and effective solutions.

Be Not Deceived!?

Don’t you see that attitude and its accompanying attitude expression quite frequently?! I have seen people who want to be “in charge.” On the contrary, sometimes what they may be saying in a round-a-bout way is that they say that, but not necessarily do they want to do the work it entails to say one thing and do something else.     In retrospect, Jesus would say something similar about the Pharisees, elders, and others. Don’t do what they do. Don’t do what they say, because it’s contradictory. He called them hypocrites…saying one thing and doing something else.     Israel did

Black Business Month Top of Form

I have been a small Black woman-owned business for close to three decades and I can tell you it is not easy.  Although I have worked in various markets, I have always felt the sting of being judged because of my gender and the color of my skin whenever I was competing in the mainstream arena. I felt the need to under promise and always over deliver to just be considered.     However, my community has always embraced me and provided me with the guidance and support that I needed to grow and expand over the years to be successful,

Kamala and Our Pursuit of Joy and Justice: Building Relations of Reciprocity and Resistance

It is good to see the Kamala campaign centering on joy in the struggle to defeat those who would outlaw love, laughter and learning; arrest and lay waste the world; build segregation walls of steel and stone, hatred and hostility between persons and peoples; deny freedom and justice; and legalize narrow notions of shared and common good, favoring themselves and excluding others.     And it is also good, exceedingly good, that we as a people, a Black people, an African people, are standing Malcolm straight and Tubman strong as a key vanguard and central source of resistance to this social

15 Years Later – Why We Still Demand Justice for Mitrice Richardson

The failure to investigate Mitrice’s death properly is not just an oversight. It is an injustice that reflects broader issues within the justice system. The department’s reluctance to reopen the case and provide clear, honest answers only deepens the pain for Mitrice’s family and community, who deserve transparency and accountability.

If You Stay Ready, You Won’t Have to Get Ready!Top of Form 

Sometimes things happen around us at the speed of light and we can feel totally out of control. This past weekend, I had to travel to Vegas for a business conference and a drive that normally would take us less than four hours took approximately nine hours because of a truck on the 15-freeway going north had an explosion causing the whole freeway to shut down. We were at a loss because we had no idea what happened and how long the freeway was going to be closed.  As we consulted with Waze, we were diverted to side streets and