
Havoc in the House, Douglass at the Door: July 4th, November 5th and Unavoidable Struggle

Havoc in the House, Douglass at the Door: July 4th, November 5th and Unavoidable Struggle As we mark the Fourth of July and treat an epidemic of anxiety about the outcome of November 5th, we would be well served by recognizing that annual hard knock and powerful presence at the door of the honored abolitionist, freedom fighter and most insightful activist intellectual, Nana Frederick Douglass. For by every metric of good sense and every measure of a good life, there is havoc in this house called America. It is a very dangerous and self-destructive disorder of rampant conflict, varied oppression,

Sharing Joys of June With Limbiko: Building Bridges of Memory That Sustain Us 

Again, in the sacred tradition of our ancestors of ancient Egypt of writing letters to loved ones who have made transition and ascension, I reach out to you in writing in this the month of your lying down in peace and rising up in radiance in the heavens. It is one of those bridges of memory we build that supports and sustains us in dealing with the awesome ache of your absence and the persistent longing for your presence.  

A Green California Won’t Be Built by Black Workers If State Doesn’t Do Better

California must act now to confront today’s Black job crisis. The Bureau of Labor Statistics last year reported that 90% of the nation’s unemployed U.S. citizens are Black Americans. And despite being less than 10% of LA’s population, Black people comprise more than a third of its unhoused residents.


Abominable may be applied to that which is morally repulsive, that which is detestable, that which the One Almighty God does not tolerate. God is so patient. He waited hundreds, thousands of years, and in a timeless range before He decided to send forth His only “begotten” son.    Jesus was “begotten before the world…born in the world.” Elohim taking creature form to create as He later took human form (flesh) to redeem. We have here “creation” and redemption” combined in Christ (Revelation 4:11; 5:9).  Therefore, you can say, “He is all and all,” and He is all in all; the

The Music and Magic of Blackness: The Centering and Sustaining Beauty of Soul 

This is Black Music Month and we share again these sensitivities, thoughts and practice of Blackness as music and magic at the highest and deepest level. It is good to sing and celebrate ourselves, to dance in honor of the divine spark and specialness within each of us, and to rejoice in the midst of the sacred music we together make in the many ways we love, work and struggle to do and share good in the world.    But our celebrations must always be rooted in and reflective of our own agency, our own image and own interests. And so,

Why Every American Should Celebrate Juneteenth

Juneteenth originated in the June 19, 1865, federal proclamation that Major General Gordon Granger brought with him when he arrived Galveston to take command of federal troops deployed to enforce the emancipation of its enslaved population and oversee Reconstruction. 


In less than one week, America will celebrate Juneteenth, known to many in the African American community as Independence Day. Juneteenth did not become a national holiday until June 2021. However, it has long been recognized in our community as a day of recognition and importance.   

It Brings No Joy 

When I think about all the misery Donald Trump has brought to our nation–especially to women, people of color, and those of us who take pride in being Progressives who’ve been fighting for better lives for our people as he made life worse.  Yet, I feel sorry for those who enabled him—some of whom I thought were better people. 

The Final Judge and Chief Prosecutor

Who makes the last call on your future here on Earth and in Heaven? Who gives the last word? It’s not an earthly judge. That’s temporary. What’s happening in the heavens? There are seventeen heavenly utterances and the final heavenly utterances are sounded in Revelation 4:8 -9.  

Lonely in Your Struggle, But Crowded in Your SuccessTop of Form

It is amazing to me how oftentimes when God gives us an idea or dream and we share it with other people, if they cannot imagine it or if it is something they would not necessarily see as a good idea they give you all kinds of grief. They think of every reason why you should not go down that path, even when they have no concrete reasons why they do not see it as a good idea.   

African Liberation, South Africa, Palestine and Us: Some Notes on Radically Reordering the World

As we celebrate this year’s African Liberation Day (May 25), it is important to note that we are passing through a pivotal and powerful moment in African and human history. And the central sites for this time of radical turning are in Palestine, South Africa, in this country and on countless campuses and elsewhere around the world. And we as African peoples are linked to it in various ways as allies in struggle and as midwives and co-makers of a new unfolding history, not only for Palestine and the Palestinian people, but also for us and indeed, for the world.