Our Authors Study Club, Sigma Gamma Rho LA and Oratorical Contest winners 2023 (Ian Foxx photo)
Our Authors Study Club, Inc. and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Sigma Sigma Chapter, announced the winners of the 2023 Oratorical Contest, which is annually open to youth in grades 8-12 who reside in greater Los Angeles.The cash awards went to Rahbyn Lampkin, 1st Place; Kholin Young, 2nd Place and Nylah Jordan, 3rd Place. Rahbyn and Nylah are both 11th graders from University High School and first-time contenders in the historical contest, while Kholin Young (a 9th grader at Branded Genius Academy) is enjoying his second consecutive win.
For the second consecutive, the event was held at the National Council of Negro Women facility in the View Park neighborhood in Los Angeles. The contest theme was “Black Resistance.” According to OASC President Lura Daniels Ball, each student “passionately articulated their perspective of the topic particularly unique to their view and interpretation.”
Describing the presentations of the youth, Daniels-Ball said, “Their writing and research collectively paid homage to notable historic figures such as Frederick Douglas, Ida B. Wells, Phyllis Wheatley, Jackie Robinson, Madame CJ Walker, the Black Panthers, the Honorable Judge Thurgood Marshall, Pres. Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Attorney Benjamin Crump and many more.”
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Terri Lyons, a member Sigma Gamma Rho, and Daniels Ball, chaired the 71st annual contest. Committee members included LaRita Shelby, Dr. Roushelle Bozeman, Tawanda Carpenter (Sigma Sigma Chapter president) and Maude Johnson (OASC events committee).
Superior Court Judge Patrick Hare, the guest speaker, delivered an inspirational message. For the first time in its history, the competition hosted an all-male panel of judges that included Isa Martinez, administrator, Office of Staff Relations, LAUSD; Brad Rumble, elementary school principal, LAUSD; Ernest McCollough, complex project manager, LAUSD; and Jermaine Shelton, founder of Shelton Media Group.
Barbara Blackmon, LAUSD teacher and Sigma Gamma Rho member, served as emcee. Also, Lyons and Dr. Roushelle Bozeman shared Black history facts during the judging interims.
“Special thanks are extended to Dr. Helena Johnson of NCNW So-Cal, Charter Communications, Tiffany Williams, AHF, the Los Angeles Lakers, OneUnited Bank, Amazon, Charter Communications, Lura’s Kitchen and the Center Theatre Group for their sponsorship of the program,” said Daniels Ball, who added that the theme for the 2024 Oratorical Contest will be announced in late 2023.
“Students, parents and educators interested in applying or submitting youth for the contest should check the website for details and updates at www.OratoricalContest.com,” Daiels Ball said. “Businesses, organizations and donors seeking more information can email Info@OratoricalContest.com.”
For more information about OASC log on to www.oascla.org.