Kevin Rouse (Courtesy photo)


The “Funny 4 Real” comedy show takes place on Friday, October 21, at 7 p.m., at the Miracle Theater, 226 S. Market Street in Inglewood. 


Roz Washington (Courtesy photo)

Kevin Rouse of Rouse House Entertainment and First Fridays Productions are uniting to produce monthly comedy shows. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to The Roland and Lisa Wirt Foundation. 

Tommy Chunn (courtesy image)


Comedienne Roz Washington will host “Funny 4 Real” and will play a major role in booking the funniest comedians on the West Coast.  Also, comedian Tommy Chunn will book the East Coast & Mid-West Comedy Stars. The headliners of “Funny 4 Real” are A. J. Jamal, Chunn, Jammin Jay Lamont and Kamira White.   

For tickets, call (213) 926-2809 or (323) 440-3990 or visit