I suspect that many have asked or inquired about “the mark of the beast.” It is a mysterious term and lends itself to inquiry and questioning, “What is it?” It excites curiosity in the minds of many and one begins to question. “is it something that is true or just a figment of the imagination?” Is it something that has happened? Is it something that will happen? Is it happening now? Quite honestly, I do not believe that the “mark of the beast” has already come to pass. Is it happening now? Good question. Let’s take a quick look at some of the characteristics of this mysterious “mark.” First of all the term comes from the Bible and most often referred to in the Revelation of Jesus Christ given through John prophetically in the book of the Revelation and for our knowledge. John was exiled to the island of Patmos. Seemingly, to be isolated so that Jesus Christ could tell him what to write and when to write it. God did not want any interference or false words to be recorded in the Revelation. We have repeatedly heard about the “Antichrist,” who is the beast of Revelation 13:1 who arises from the sea. John tells us a second beast, who is “the beast coming up out of the earth” (Rev. 13:11 and identified as the False Prophet (Rev. 16:13). The False Prophet does not act independently and is not his own boss. He takes orders from higher up and is under the authority of the first beast of Revelation 13:12. The Antichrist has a higher up too. Revelation 13:2, from the dragon [Satan]. As you know, Satan is the biggest troublemaker and this is putting it lightly; because you know that all this turmoil in the world is from the hand of Satan, who infiltrates peoples minds to worship him and do what he says do.So, what we have here are Satan, the False Prophet as the collaborating “evil agents.” Matthew 7:15 has forwarned us to “Beware (stay away from) false prophets and even says that inwardly they are like ravenous wolves and outwardly they are deceivers and wearing sheep’s clothing.” Now, we know what that is because there are many people in a lot of places ready to deceive and act on deceptive motives to lead away the innocent and non observant, weak people so they can have their way with them to their own detriment. Okay, now the False Prophet is just like it says, “False;” but is religion related that has that cloke of deception to carry away people (in their minds). We are informed there will be a “mark, the mark of the beast,” as prophesied.” This “mark” will be worldwide, because this “False Prophet will be collaborating with “the adversary [Satan.] He has power and authority. The “mark” will have to be worn by all those who receive it and if they do not receive it, there are somethings which will make the ones who do not take it unable to buy, sell and will allow only those who have this “mark” can buy, sell and have other privileges in the forehead or right hand. Revelation 13:17,18 tells us that by receiving this “mark” you have to have the name of the beast or the number of the beast. It is the number of man, “Six hundred threescore and six. (we can only speculate what the number 666 means for our understanding.” We don’t really know what this “mark” will be nor at this time what exactly to look for. (I’m thinking technology is a likely place to consider. We are told in Revelation 13:15 there is an image of “the beast” and this image must be worshipped. Ordinary people and so called mighty people (small and great) rich and poor, they will be required to take this “mark,” which will be on the forehead and/or the right hand. So, now let’s look at why I began to think about “the mark?” As I was thinking about the vaccinations, my mind went to the “mark.” Is the vaccination the “mark of the beast?” No, it cannot be because it doesn’t match the description of “the mark of the beast.” During the Tribulation Period, “this mark of the beast” will put a chokehold on the financial systems: trade investment, etc. and religious systems. Sounds logically to me those who do not receive this “mark” is an outcast from society because they can’t do anything and even no food, drink or anything! Sounds unbelievable huh? But, just look at this attempt to require “everyone to be injected with this vaccination against COVID-19? Even starting with the little children too! The vaccination for COVID-19 is not “the mark of the beast.” But, it gives us much to consider futuristically. “What then shall we say to these things? “If God be for us, who can be against us?” [Romans 8:31] Thanks for reading! Jeanette Grattan Parker, Founder-Superintendent Today’s Fresh Start Charter School 323-293-9826 www.todaysfreshstart.org; Askdrjeanettetm Ask Dr. JeanetteTM (registered trademarkwww.askdrjeanetteparker.com[email protected] tm
“Inquiring minds want to know.”© All rights reserved references: The Holy Bible; Companion Bible; The Book of Signs Dr. David Jeremiah; Life of Christ, Mark Moore