The Los Angeles Police Department’s Southwest Community Relations Division hosted its first Town Hall Meeting of the year on April 9 at the Department of Water & Power Community Room in South L.A.
During the forum, LAPD staff provided critical updates on the improvement of the Community Online Reporting Service (CORS) to local residents, neighborhood council and block club members to ensure that applications are properly submitted and accepted.
In 2016, the Department launched the CORS system, which allowed community members to file traffic collisions and a limited category of crime reports online. During the year of the launch, 1,300 reports were submitted through CORS. Since then, CORS has expanded to 22 types of reports that community members can file online.
On Jan. 1, an addition to the CORS system took effect. Now, community members have the option to file Hate Incidents reports online. Once the report is submitted through the CORS system, an auto-reply e-mail will be sent to the Reporting Party advising them of their submission. The e-mail will include a CORS report Tracking/Incident number and a link to the Hate Incident Resource Pamphlet.
After technical errors, the updates solve several key issues that online users faced while opting for the more convenient option while also clarifying which crimes can be submitted. Common issues that have been cited mainly included problems with data entry such as entering phone numbers, addresses, vehicle information and the location of the incident.
First, online users choosing to file a report are directed to visit LAPDOnline.org which is most compatible with Internet Explorer and Google Chrome as web browsers. The online system will not work on Mozilla Firefox. Other barriers that may hinder the submission process fail to provide enough information to file a proper report such as missing vehicle information, listing witnesses (only if the person witnessed the crime, suspect(s), itemization of all the stolen property and the narrative explaining how the incident occurred.
The type of crimes that are acceptable to report online include: burglary from motor vehicle, theft from vehicle, theft, vandalism, identity theft, harassing phone calls, hate incidents and lost property. However, the types of crimes that cannot be reported online include homicide, sex crimes, robbery, aggravated assault, criminal threats, resident or business burglary, stolen vehicles, domestic violence, theft by trickery, and forgery.
Furthermore, the types of stolen items that can’t be reported online include any motorized vehicles such as scooters, electric bikes, and motorcycles along with firearms nor prescription medication. Also, the maximum monetary amount for online reports for theft, vandalism, burglary from motor vehicle and theft from vehicle is limited to $5,000 while the maximum amount for identity theft is $20,000.
“Our Lieutenants disclosed they have received, reviewed and approved approximately 131,000 reports online in 2023 through CORS,” stated Sergeant Tiffany Norwood, who is the officer spearheading the Southwest Area’s Community Relations Office.
“Updates also added new languages and translators. These new changes will assist those who may also need a police report for insurance purposes for fraud or car theft. Now, they can return the report directly to their insurance company,” added Norwood.
While many community members felt technological solutions may exclude older generations who are not as tech savvy, additional officers who were also in attendance ensured the more traditional methods of filing a police report at their closest division still remains an option, yet the online reporting tool is only for offenses that have occurred within the city of Los Angeles.
While online reporting makes it easier for community members to report crimes, there categories are limited for more serious offenses.
“In the event of gang violence, still contact 9-1-1. If you witness or are the victim of a petty crime, yet wish to remain anonymous and not bring attention to the neighborhood, filing electronically will work best,” she said.
The Southwest Area is approximately 13.11 square miles, bordered by the I-10 Freeway on the north, I-110 Freeway on the east, Vernon Avenue on the south, and La Cienega Boulevard on the west.
Southwest Community Police Station is under the jurisdiction of South Bureau. Its 352 sworn personnel and 32 civilian personnel serve the culturally diverse community of more than 165,000 people.
The region includes the following neighborhoods and communities: Baldwin Village, Baldwin Vista, Crenshaw Community, Jefferson Park, Leimert Park, Crenshaw District, West Adams Community, and University Park.
The next Town Hall Meeting will be on July 16. Officers are expected to present better insight into emergency versus non-emergency calls.
To file a report or for a list of the types of reports that can be filed through CORS, visit www.lapdonline.org/file-a-police-report/