Dr. Jeffrey D. Holmes (Courtesy photo)

Dr. Jeffrey D. Holmes, Los Angeles City College Dean, has been named as one of sixteen researchers from colleges across the nation to participate in the CTE Research Program at North Carolina State University. The program is sponsored by the ECMC Foundation.

Dr. Holmes will research Disabled Students Program and Services (DSPS) student Success Factors for Career Education in California community colleges. The project will examine how poverty cycles are broken by credentialing students with disabilities and preparing them for work through California community college Career Education and Instructional programs.

“I am very proud to represent LACC and be a part of this unique opportunity sponsored by the ECMC Foundation to help improve and advance postsecondary CTE research,” said Dr. Holmes.

During his fellowship, Dr. Holmes will participate in two national research training institutes, research methods webinars, work with CTE research mentors and conduct postsecondary CTE research.

About Jeffrey D. Holmes, Ed.D

Jeffrey D. Holmes serves as a Dean for Los Angeles City College. As a graduate of the Community College Leadership (CCLP) Doctoral Program at the University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Holmes has over two decades of leadership experience in higher education at four- and two-year institutions, and has served on California State Advisory Committees assisting in the formation policy recommendations for disabilities and workforce related issues. Dr. Holmes has advised many institutions utilizing his expertise in ADA/ 504, pathways and career education. As a former tenure track faculty member, and administrative executive, Dr. Holmes has keynoted at national and regional conferences, while providing administrative leadership for Americans with Disabilities Act and the integration of policy planning, curriculum development, facilities planning, resource allocation, and accessibility for faculty, staff, and students through support, career and instructional programs. His presentations, technical reports, lectures, and books follow his research agenda towards student success outcomes, and pathway navigation,The Guide to Transition Students with Disabilities, and Broken Toys: The NCAA Community College Male Athlete have helped a number of high schools and colleges serve students towards achievement results.