Friday, April 3. The L.A. Emergency Operation Center welcomed the Departments of public health and Social Services, to announce resources Angelenos have access to during this time of uncertainty. The Los Angeles Board of Supervisors recognize the number of people who are need of assistance during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Antonia Jiménez, Director of Public Social Services, listed the county resources available as Angelenos face the COVID-19 pandemic. The Social Service offices are temporarily closed, but Jiménez ensured that the DPSS is still accessible and readily available to assist those in need. L.A. County officials confirmed that social services such as CALFresh and CALWorks are still in full swing. Combating the severe respiratory syndrome has been an uphill battle, applying immense pressure on every type of Economic function in the city. Over 800,000 California natives have filed for unemployment, L.A. officials go into detail about the two trillion-dollar federal relief bill. it will assist with the financial struggle that Los Angeles families are facing. The L.A. Director of Public Health shared the Global status surrounding the viral pandemic, zooming into the COVID-19 data affecting the L.A. County.

Los Angeles Supervisor, Hilda L. Solis dissected the impact of financial struggle due to the Corona Virus pandemic. Solis explained more than 878,000 people applied for unemployment in California; narrowing down to 250,000 Angelenos in the Los Angeles County. Hilda Solis delivered a silver lining, the federal relief bill that approved two-trillion dollars to be granted to assist Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hilda stated, “Many Americans will receive a stimulus check, to help mitigate the losses suffered during the COVID-19 crisis.” The 1st District Supervisor of L.A. explained it will be distributed either by direct deposit or by mail, taxpayers who provided banking information should receive a direct deposit by April 17. Although check form will have a five month delay, You can find out more information by going to the following website:
Hilda Solis delivered news regarding aide for small businesses and reducing lay-offs. Solis paraphrased Governor Newsom’s announcement, L.A. County will be receiving state funding to assist local workers and businesses. Within the two million dollars allocated to L.A. County, $500,000 will be used as grants to eligible businesses that were impacted by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This is put in place to keep businesses operational and retain employees. Supervisor Solis disclosed there is a new central portal that focuses on L.A. workers and small businesses, called “Business and Worker Disaster Help Center.” Within its first week of launching, they have taken over 1,000 calls from business owners and workers looking for guidance during the COVID-19 crisis.
Director of Public Health, Barbara Ferrer announced the latest updates on the COVID-19 Virus. Globally, there are now over a million cases of COVID-19. The global cases face a 5% mortality rate. In the United States, 250,000 individuals are affected with Corona Virus. In California there is approximately 11,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19. As of Wednesday, April 1. Over 26,000 people have been tested for COVID-19, 13-14% were positive for the virus. Ferrer shared on April 3. there were 11 additional deaths, 7 of these individuals were between the ages of 65 and over, with underlining health conditions. This brings the total COVID-19 related deaths in the L.A. County to 89. Barbara disclosed as of Friday, April 3. There are 521 new COVID-19 reports, in summary there is a total amount of 4,566 cases in the Los Angeles region.

Over the last 48 hours, there has been 1,055 reports. These numbers are reflective of 153 in Long Beach and 37 reports coming from Pasadena. Of these new cases, 7 additional individuals who have tested positive are unsheltered. Approximately 22% of those infected with COVID-19 are hospitalized at some point. Data is reflecting 1.9% of carriers of the Corona Virus have died, which is higher than the general mortality rate for influenza related deaths in the United States. Barbara Ferrer disclosed that there is a projected amount of 1,000 new COVID-19 cases every day.