Her candidacy will be history in the making- the first woman.

The Ninth District Councilwoman has filed papers to run for mayor and as a result, she is poised to become the first woman and the first African-American woman to hold that office.

Perry said, “I formed my committee and filed my papers to run for mayor for 2013 and I’ve been doing outreach, talking to people to garner support and am raising money now.”

According to Perry, she is in the fund-raising mode now and will name her prominent supporters as her campaign progresses.

It will be a historic first for Perry to become the first woman and she will be standing squarely on the shoulders of Tom Bradley, the first African American to be elected mayor of Los Angeles and also the longest-serving mayor in the city’s history. He served an unprecedented five terms.
Perry will be a formidable candidate and will fit solidly in the shoes of Mayor Bradley.

Her work in the ninth district has produced commendable results and she has improved the district tremendously since she has been on the council