Isadore Hall, Jr., the father of transitioned on December 28, 2023. He was 81 years old.
Isadore Hall, Jr. was born in New Orleans, Louisiana on May 11, 1942. He resided in Los Angeles, California for over 55 years.
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He raised four biological children and assisted in raising several stepchildren and a host of grandchildren. Isadore Hall, Jr. was well known in the community for always giving his time and finances to assist his neighbors and friends whenever needed.
In addition, he was also known for his outgoing personality and magnificent smile. He’s known for never meeting a stranger! While taking care of his family, he also took care of anyone in need.
Most say, Isadore was the godfather of those without a father. His southern roots never hesitated in supporting those in need.
“My father was one of a kind. His passing leaves a serious void in my life and the life of so many people. I’m a better person because of him,” said Senator Hal.