Pastor George E. Hurtt

Pastor-Teacher George E. Hurtt celebrated his fifth anniversary as pastor of Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church (MSMBC) at services held February 18 and February 23. “Celebrating the Joy of Pastoring” served as the event theme.

“Whatever I am able to do in my role as shepherd is because of the faithful people that honor the work and respect the office.  I celebrate the membership of Mount Sinai Church and embrace this opportunity to celebrate together our union as pastor and people,” said Pastor Hurtt.

The Rev. D.S. Richardson organized Mount Sinai on March 16, 1942.  The Rev. H.B. Charles, Sr., was called to lead MSMBC in 1948. Pastor Charles served for 41 years until his passing. The Rev. H.B. Charles, Jr., presided over the congregation from 1990 through 2008.

Pastor Hurtt was officially installed on December 14, 2008. Under his leadership, Mount Sinai has grown in membership and ministries, including evangelism, missions, and outreach.

Clergy from near and far converged on Mount Sinai for the anniversary celebration and to honor God’s work through Pastor Hurtt.

“George is loved throughout Los Angeles,” exclaimed Pastor Xavier Thompson of Southern Missionary Baptist Church. “He is a brother and friend.”  

Other participants were Pastor LaMonte King of Friendly Friendship Baptist Church, Pastor Everett N. Jennings, Jr., of New Life Cathedral Church in Chicago, IL, Pastor Everett N. Jennings, Sr., of New Providence Baptist Church in Detroit, MI, and Pastor James Jennings, Sr., of New True Vine M.B. Church in Detroit.

Also, Pastor Hurtt’s family traveled from other cities to attend and he thanked them for their love and support. “You, the members of Mt. Sinai, are also my family, and I thank you, too,” he said.

The anniversary celebration was capped with a Soul Food brunch with over 200 people in attendance.

Pastor Hurtt has kicked off the new year with the sermon series, ‘How to Get the Most Out of 2014.’ The series is comprised of five challenges: Make a Commitment to Pray; Make a Commitment to God’s Word; Make a Commitment to Give, Make a Commitment to Serve, and Make a Commitment to Build Godly Relationships.

Located at 3669 West 54th Street in Los Angeles, MSMBC has Sunday services at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. To learn more, visit