Assemblymember Mike A. Gipson, chair of the California Assembly Democratic Caucus, is demanding an apology be made to Congresswoman Maxine Waters for the disrespectful treatment she received by a convention worker during the California Democratic Party African American Caucus held Saturday night at the State Convention.
“The level of disrespect shown to Congresswoman Waters will not be tolerated and warrants an immediate apology from the individual worker and the contracted company to Rep. Waters; elected officials; the California Democratic Party African American Caucus; delegates and supporters present.
His actions were undoubtedly intentional. Rep. Waters has been a strong and vocal critic of #45 and thus a target for his wrath which no doubt has trickled down the ranks. We will not allow our elected leaders to be treated in this insolent manner. Where was the security for this ranking member of Congress? Throughout her career, Rep. Waters has fought for workers like him to get jobs and decent wages. What a travesty! We will not allow this action to go unchallenged.”