Dr. Jeanette Parker 

1.What is faith? 2. Why do I need it? 3. Who has it? 4. Can I have it? 5. When can I use it? Oh, my! MARTIN LUTHER KING HAD BAKING POWDER FAITH! You can go on and on asking questions and never getting to the heart of the matter. So, let’s try and nail this down. Perhaps, you may ask, “Why did she name this article:, “Flatbread Faith.’?” Some people appear to have “no faith.” But, you know that can readily be refuted. For example, If you go to your car, you assume your car will start. If you go to sit in a chair, you don’t expect the bottom of the chair will fall out. Right.? You’re not thinking the car “won’t start” or the chair will collapse. That’s an obvious level of faith or belief. Because the car has been starting all along, you believe it’s going to start whenever you press the start button or whenever you step on the gas and the brake ..same concept with the chair. So, you’ve got “faith”! Question #1: What is faith? Faith is “believing” something will happen even though it has not been evidenced in front of your eyes or in the material realm of physical reality. The first question has been answered, “What is Faith?” Second question, “Why do I need faith?” You need faith for the purpose that you can go through life with a level of scope of confidence for achievement of goals and purpose. (and to go to heaven) Now, Question #3, “Who has it?” One might assume that the person who has the most material goods in life has the most faith. What? Who told you that? It’s not even rational; because you are exposed into thinking that material things reference and represent the level of your faith. Nope. Don’t short change yourself. Give yourself some credit. Faith is not measured by materialism. Think about this. What about those people in different countries and lands in hurricanes, volcano eruptions, floods, earthquakes, sea floods and other devastating catastrophes? People who are caught up unexpectedly in dire circumstances such as this would have to have unwavering faith and tenacity to go day-to-day, minute-to-minute…not knowing where their next meal will come from or housing. So, we are evaluating and weighing levels of faith. Question #4: Can I have it? Already cited are some levels of faith. Well, I know you wouldn’t want to face the levels of faith needed in surreal weather conditions. The question is: What kind of faith are you looking to have and where will you use it? Do you want flatbread faith, yeast faith or baking powder faith? You can have the faith that moves mountains! I call that baking powder faith; because you can take it to the limit and let your faith rise to the top! You can have faith to solve your every day situations and problems. You can use your faith anytime and anywhere. Flatbread faith won’t take you too far. That’s tiny, tiny faith….the kind just to sit in a chair and always expect it won’t crash. Baking powder faith goes way beyond your expectations. You want baking powder faith, because it’s explosive faith and you are challenged to exercise your trust in God Almighty. You want something. You don’t see it. You do not see any reason or evidence that it will happen. But, the faith of yeast or baking power faith will blow the top off your ol’ ordinary faith. You hope and pray something good and asked for will happen. God answers your prayers.

Some people get answered prayers and don’t even believe or recognize the prayer has been answered. They are still in a state of “unbelief.” Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Faith is your life is hid in Jesus Christ. Faith is that all things have been accomplished by and through Jesus Christ. Faith is having overcome believing and being an overcomer.

Faith is having “entered into His rest,” because all things have been created and done. Jesus said, “It is finished.” Seeing then these things what do you say? Walk by faith and not by sight. Seek the faith of Sarah and Hannah, both of whom were without child for many years, barren and ridiculed by their handmaidens; but, they kept the faith. Read chapter Hebrews 11, the Faith Standard Bearers, Enoch, Abraham, Mary and Joseph and so many others. Consider Mary who according to the law was to have been stoned to death. Consider Joseph who was tasked with the responsibility of caring for Mary and protecting her from being stoned to death. They had “baking powder faith!” Whatever your challenge is, “Have the faith of God. For whoever says to the mountain be removed (the challenge) and be cast into the sea, but believing and have no doubt, it will happen.” Don’t waver, don’t doubt. Stand firm in the faith. Your life is hid in Christ if you have allowed Him to take up residence in you through the Holy Spirit.

Thank you for reading! Happy New Year!!!

Ask Dr. Jeanette Parkertm Ask Dr. Jeanettetm www.AskDrJeanetteParker.com; Articles copyright © “Inquiring Minds Want To Know” Jeanette Parker is Founder/Superintendent of Today’s Fresh Start Charter School www.todaysfreshstart.org [email protected] thanks for reading!