Book Releases

Review: Anita Hill urges us all to battle gender violence

“Believing: Our Thirty-Year Journey to End Gender Violence” by Anita Hill (Viking)

Anita Hill didn’t care if President Joe Biden apologized or not, but she found his aversion to doing so rather dramatic.

This is one anecdote from her new book, “Believing: Our Thirty-Year Journey to End Gender Violence.” It was released Tuesday.

First, she was a survivor: #MeToo’s Burke tells her story

People will think this is a book about, you know, going to the Golden Globes and meeting a bunch of celebrities, and a bunch of powerful men whose lives were impacted by #MeToo. I want to tell a different story. My story is ordinary and also extraordinary: It’s so many other little black girls’ stories, so many young women’s stories. We don’t pay attention to the nuances of what survival looks like or what sexual violence feels like and how it impacts our lives. So it just felt important. This is a story that’s been growing inside me for more than 40 years. It was time to give it a home outside of my body.

African Author Pens Children’s Book About Diversity in Skin Tones

“My father was a man of humble beginnings who worked hard to provide for eight children,” said author Nonkululeko Kunene Adumentey, adding that it was his conditional love, wisdom, and work ethic that inspired the core of her principles and life mottos. He also inspired her to appreciate the various skin tones found in Africans throughout the world.