Earvin ‘Magic’ Johnson Jr. Endorses Karen Bass for Mayor
Congresswoman Karen Bass (File photo)
Lakers legend and Los Angeles business leader Earvin “Magic” Johnson Jr. on April 25 announced his endorsement of Karen Bass for mayor of Los Angeles, citing their decades-long relationship and her lifelong commitment to foster youth, unhoused Angelenos and working families.
The endorsement builds on growing momentum for the Bass campaign, which in recent weeks has picked up the support of America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, prominent Los Angeles labor unions, community activists, and political leaders. The campaign will be holding a grand opening for its headquarters on Saturday, April 30.
The endorsement was announced in a video statement posted online. A script of the video is provided below:
“Hi, I’m Earvin “Magic” Johnson and I’m so proud to endorse my friend Karen Bass to be the next mayor of Los Angeles.
“I’ve been so blessed to know Karen and work with her for over 27 years – and what always sticks out to me is that she’s always in the fight for the right reasons.
Earvin “Magic” Johnson (File photo)
“Throughout her entire life, Karen has always fought for the most vulnerable among us – our foster youth, our families living on the brink, and our unhoused neighbors. And that’s what makes her so special.
“She has fought for the people in the community and her mission is always the same — she brings people together to get things done.
“It’s not about the cameras for Karen. It’s not about the credit. It’s always about the work.
“For her, the people always come first.”
“Earvin “Magic” Johnson has spent decades giving back to our communities, bringing business and opportunity to our neighborhoods, and serving as a beacon of excellence for Los Angeles,” said Bass. “I’m so proud to have the support of someone so beloved in this city.”
Bass has also received endorsements from Labor and Civil Rights Leader Dolores Huerta, Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, Los Angeles County Supervisor Holly Mitchell, former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Sierra Club and EMILY’s List.